Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why I Make My Own Ice Cream And You Should Too

By Mia Kane

People are always asking me why I make my own ice cream (I have done so for years and have a neighbourhood reputation for it lol). So in short and very simply, this is why I never buy ice cream any more and why I am always telling people to stop buying and start making.

1. My family and I love ice cream. We eat a lot of it all year round not just in summer. On a regular basis I found buying ice cream adds up, and on a monthly grocery bill, well lets just say I got a real shock. When I make my own, I make it a lot cheaper (but just as tasty, even tastier) than store bought. So I save on my food bill.

2. Having kids I am now more conscious of being 'green' and kinder to the planet. Making my own ice cream, is one way I can decrease my food miles. And instead of paying for ice cream to travel halfway around the country to me, everything I use for it I get on my own doorstep.

3. I get to know exactly what is going into my kids mouths. There are no additives or preservative in my home made dessert. Only natural goodness no artificial rubbish.

4. I know so many people, my kids friends especially with allergies of all sorts. I can leave them out of the ice cream, so everyone get to enjoy it.

5. I'm never stuck for something to bring to a friends for dinner. I usually make up a batch specially to bring along for dessert.

6. Getting the kids involved is a great way of involving them in what they eat. It sparks an interest in how things are made, not to mention it can keep them and their pals quite on a wet afternoon.

7. For me it can be a great way of getting in some sneaky nutrients into their diet. They love fruit on their ice cream in funny shapes, I sprinkle nuts over it, and I even sprinkle oats on it sometimes.

8. I never make full fat anymore. I started gradually using lower fat produce and no-one even noticed the difference. So I have no worries about the kids getting chubby.

So there you have it in a nutshell. It tastes great and you get to experiment with all kinds of flavors. So I say to all my friends, stop paying for all that artificial rubbish in fancy cartons, and have a go at your own. - 17269

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