Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why Should You Drink Fresh Juice Every Day?

By Max Tain

Any fresh juice has a profound purifying effect on our body. Fruit and vegetable juices contain many amino acids, minerals, salts, enzymes and vitamins; you just have to consume them immediately after preparation. These natural drinks are necessary as a supplement, even if you don't follow a special diet.

Fresh juices are a rich source of energy and vitamins, being recommended to everyone. They can be prepared from vegetables, fruits and herbs. It's better to avoid preserved juices, although they contain ascorbic acid. There's more vitamin C in your own home made juices.

Is t possible to gain weight by consuming fresh juice? Nutritionists say it depends on what product you choose. If you opt for natural juices with a lower content of sugar, then you won't gain weight. Even more, this will act as a real weight loss diet, because fresh juices clean the body and help you to get rid of toxins. They are also a rich source of vitamin C. You don't have to consume a fresh juice every day, but it's better to do it as often as possible.

The vitamins found in fresh juice increase your immunity. It's good to drink juices with pulp, which are rich in fiber. I'm talking here about fresh juices and not about preserved drinks. You can opt for light juices, as those of apple, grapefruit or tomatoes. They contain polyphenols, a type of antioxidants that protect you from certain cancers and heart diseases. Some juices even improve the condition of those who suffer from hypertension.

Tomato juice benefits are due to the vitamins contained. A 250 ml glass of tomato juice provides to our body the required daily amount of vitamin A and C. In order to realize the importance of vitamin A, it's enough to mention some of the complication that may occur in its absence: risk of infections, the appearance of disturbances in tooth growth, eye diseases, etc. Vitamin C is also important for the body, because it detoxifies and regenerates the body cells. An insufficient amount of vitamin C in food reduces the body resistance against infections and induces fatigue and depression.

It's indicated to drink fresh juice immediately after exercising. Your energy will increase and the body fluid will be restored.

Carrot juice is recognized for its healing proprieties. Also, it protects the skin against daily aggressions. Therefore, to slow the aging process, make sure that your skin is perfectly hydrated and consume fresh juices and water. The nutrients contained by carrot juice are able to reduce photosensitivity, protecting the skin from the harmful action of sunlight.

Another nutritious and full of vitamins drink is the celery juice. It is a good diuretic, helping you to have a better digestion, by stimulating bile secretion.

Orange juice is an excellent diuretic and laxative, having noticeable results in case of anemia, anorexia and various infections.

Apple juice contains several minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates and must be consumed in the morning.

Grape juice has a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying effect. It also contains calcium, iron, and phosphorus. - 17269

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