Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Most Effective Abdominal Workouts

By James Statham

Don't you think it's time you knew about the most effective abdominal workouts? In this article, I will be telling you why some exercises, that target the abs, are actually harming your chances of cutting your fat down! I will also show you the types of exercises that have been proven to accelerate fat burn and reveal to the world your six pack!

Traditional abdominal workouts, such as crunches, leg lifts and sit ups, are what many of the fitness gurus', in magazines, rave about. They tell you that if you specifically target your abs, then you'll really get your abs muscly and they will suddenly be revealed. Well this just isn't true! In order to get rock solid abs that shine though, there are two things you need to do. You need to be lowering your body fat levels, and raising your metabolism. The reason why crunches are not a good exercise, is because they do neither of those two things. Traditional abs exercises are too isolated an exercise to burn fat quickly. Instead, you should be targeting different exercises.

So what are the really effective abdominal workouts? The types of exercises you should be performing are what's known as compound exercises. Compound exercises involve using free weights only, rather than machines. The reason for this is that when you exercise on machines, they support alot of the weight for you. Therefore, you aren't giving your body a full workout, and some of your muscles will not get developed.

When using free weights, you're supporting all of the weight. This is important, as it gives you a chance to workout the muscles stabilizing you when performing a compound exercise. Be sure to keep your workouts under an hour. If you can get in the gym, exhaust your muscles for an hour, and get out, then you'll have the perfect workout time to really blast your muscles and burn fat like never before!

Now you know the basics of what good abdominal workouts contain, now you need to sort out another key factor, your diet. It's no good thinking you can get ripped by eating loads of junk food! Now you don't need to starve yourself, far from it. What you do need to do, though, is cut out the processed foods and fatty foods in your diet. If you don't, then all your hard work in the gym won't pay off, and you'll still have a layer of body fat covering up your abs!

If you read fitness magazines, you've probably seen many advertisements about fat burner pills and special magic powders. These are all hyped up, and completely a waste of money! Just stick to what you have learned in this article and you will see results! - 17269

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