Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Body Building Tips to Burn the Fat and Keep the Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Unsightly muscle is not the reason the majority of people diet or exercise. Sadly to say, this way is how most people take the first step towards weight loss.

Due to which, they reduce pounds but this is in form of reducing muscles size, whose weight is greater then fats. Fortunately, it is possible to maintain the muscle mass you have and still lose weight.

The mistake most people make when trying to lose weight is to dramatically cut down their intake of calories. On one hand this makes perfect sense, because every 3,000 calories you take in but don't burn off is going to add an additional pound to your weight. Unfortunately, this is the worst tactic you could try if you don't want to lose muscle.

When your body stores up fat in the first place, it does so because it wants to have a backup supply of energy in case you go through a famine period. That is a period when you don't have enough to eat to keep you alive.

When you stop taking in calories your body would automatically start using up these stockpiles but that's the case,you might think that. Those are the emergency, last resort rations.

Your body will begin to turn your muscle into energy and then your metabolism will slow, meaning you'll need less calories, so it will be more difficult to lose weight.

To gradually reduce your calorie intake and let your body adjust to the changes is a better plan. You might reduce your calories by 10% the first week, another 10% the second week, and so on, for example.

Another key in burning fat instead of muscle is doing the proper types of exercises. Most fitness instructors and health advocates are going to tell you to focus on cardiovascular workouts. That's good advice because it will help your heart and lungs get stronger so you can do more exercise without getting worn out.

However, you need to add some weight training to that recipe at least 2 to 3 times a week. That way you'll be replenishing lost muscle and adding new muscle mass. This is good because muscle requires more calories than fat. If you have a lot of lean muscle mass in your body, your metabolism is going to increase which means you'll burn off more calories and lose weight.

Muscle tone is another benefit you will see if you add some weight training into the mix. Many people end up flabby because they do not exercise properly or lose weight too quickly.

Plastic surgery is always an option, but of course, this comes with risk as well as being expensive. The best way to increase your muscle tone and to prevent loose skin is exercising while you lose weight. - 17269

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