Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Best Body Building Tips to Build Muscles Quickly

By Ricardo d Argence

All aspiring bodybuilders want to build muscles quickly. Most people however do not manage to gain weight particularly quickly and get frustrated by their lack of progress.

Here are a few pointers that will help you increase your muscle mass quickly. These tips are easy to put into practice and can really make a difference!

1. Use Visualization. Visualization-the ability to imagine yourself looking the way you want to look-is a powerful tool. If you want to get ripped, imagine yourself already ripped and what your life will be like. No doubt the ladies will all be giving you second looks. When you imagine yourself looking the way you want to become, your subconscious brain helps you do the things necessary to make that picture a reality.

In order for this image to become real it begins to change your behaviour on a day to day basis to produce the mental picture you have. It also enhances your motivation and confidence that you will indeed achieve your goal. Do this on a daily basis for 10 minutes or so and you will soon start to notice the difference. Your day to day behaviour gradually changes to reflect the demands of your goal.

Lots of pro athletes including David Beckham, Tiger Woods, and Usain Bolt regularly incorporate visualization as a part of their training routine and attribute this to their great success. If guys like this are using visualization, you should be, too!

2. Shake Things Up a Bit With Variety. Keep your routine varied and interesting so you don't get bored and want to quit. Utilize compound sets. This means to do a set of exercises for a particular muscle group and then switch to a different exercise that will also exercise the same muscle group right afterward.

For instance, you could bench press first and then do some dumbbell flies. This will have you feeling the burn! You can also maximize your muscle growth with the use of giant sets, drop sets, super sets, partials, and other techniques.

3. Eat Properly For Building Muscle. Your body needs calories to burn to build muscle when working out, so try to eat a large snack about 90 minutes prior to your workout and a smaller snack like a piece of fruit about a half an hour before starting your routine.

After your workout, pack in a big helping of protein and carbs. Be sure to eat just before going to sleep for the evening and as soon as you rise in the morning, too. This is because your muscles actually grow while you rest at night-and they need calories to burn for energy to grow.

4. Workout for no longer than 45 minutes. Working out longer than this triggers the release of the wrong type of hormones for muscle building purposes and will in fact hinder muscle building.

In fact, working out for 30 minutes is the ideal. This provides for the optimum hormone levels to help your workouts generate muscle mass. It also ensures you still have the energy needed to grow your muscles.

5. Keep your focus. Keep your eyes on the prize and prevent your thoughts from wandering or never let yourself get distracted whilst training. You workout for only a short length of time so train hard and intensely and then leave. Start wearing a headset and keep a training log, these can both help you remain focused. This will keep you motivated by giving you suitable goals to try for in each workout.

Those are 5 excellent points to bear in mind when trying to build muscle quickly. Try them for a couple of months and feel yourself grow! - 17269

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