Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dr. Phil's Fat Loss Program Sorts Out the Way You Think About Overcoming Weight Issues

By Peter W.L. Owen

When starting a fat loss diet you first need to look at yourself and the way people see you. This is one of the hardest things to do. If you don't do it you won't be convinced to make a change to your current life. You might have all the money in the world to buy the best meals and train with the best trainers, but you won't be able to lose weight if you're not willing to make a dramatic change to your everyday routine.

You might be a big supporter of Dr. Phil or not. The fact is that he has helped millions of men, women and kids around the world to face their problems and enjoy life again. Obesity and less serious weight issues have been a stumbling block since the beginning of time, but today it has been more serious than ever. Did you know that obesity is at the top of the list when it comes to preventable deaths in the United States of America? This statistic alone has convinced Dr. Phil to take this matter on.

The issue with so many people is that they are not willing to make a serious change to their lives. Others reach their ideal weight after months of hard work and sacrifice but gain everything back and more after a few months. Is it possible for an overweight person to be thin and stay thin their whole life? The first step is that we need to be honest. Take a look at yourself. The person you'll see is the cause of the problem and there is where the problem needs to be solved.

Dr. Phil's weight loss diet first explains that you need to be honest with yourself. He asks a few questions so that you can determine if you're ready to change. Some of these questions are as follow:

1.Are you willing to follow the steps of his weight loss diet even if you've failed with previous diets before?

2.There might be a lot of temptations in your kitchen. Are you willing to give all those food temptations away?

3.Are you willing to be honest to yourself and to other when you've tried to cheat your way out?

4.Have you realized that it will be expected of you to spend time in the gym and work hard?

5.The only person that has the power to change the way you look and feel is you? Do you acknowledge that?

6.It's strange to see that so many people don't want to admit that they're overweight. Some don't see it as a problem. Do you realize that you have a problem and that you need to take action?

The above questions and many others of them put you in a position where you have honest answers in front of you. Then you'll be able to see if you can have a new body just the way you want it. Dreaming of having a nice body will only stay a dream if you don't actually do something about it.

I've seen the best before and after pictures and some are really true. But one thing that stands out from Dr. Phil's diet program is that it doesn't set you up with giant mountains to climb at first. He explains that you need to set small and realistic goals. Don't let other stand in your way of glory. You will be surprised to see that so many people want you to fail. Remember, the main problem area in your way is yourself. Don't stop until you've reached your goal. - 17269

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