Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Health Boosting Properties of Citrus Juices

By Jade Howarth

Many people are aware of the positive aspects of juicing but don't know the significant positive aspects that citrus juice has to offer. Most people are aware of Vitamin C and some of its positive aspects. Human beings are one of the few species that does not make its own supply of Vitamin C.

A lot of the illnesses we suffer from today, such as cancer and viruses, are often thought to be caused by the lack of Vitamin C in our diet. This is in large due to the fact that this chemical destroys a lot of the free radicals that enter and attack our body by harmful the cells. We ate much more fruit in the past than we do today. We have hands that are made to pick and grasp fruit and so this was an easy food source for us to obtain.

Many experts in the filed of nutrition believe that we stopped making Vitamin C as it was so readily available in the diet. It is believed our bodies compensated by producing less of this important vitamin until today where we produce none. This causes us a problem as the modern diet contains very little fruit and, as such, our Vitamin C intake is insufficient.

We can reverse this trend by fruit juicing which allows us to take in our essential nutrients. It is a natural way of increasing our intake of essential nutrients. It can also save you money as there is no need to spend money regularly on expensive vitamins and nutrients.

Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling has been 1 of the greatest supporters of Vitamin C and the health benefits it has to give. He was a firm believer that many of the illnesses we suffer from today were due to a lack of this chemical. He did, however, recommend very large amounts which has been generally thought nowadays not to be required.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, can be found in large amounts in oranges and lemons. Oranges contain about 50mg of ascorbic acid per 100g of fruit and about 70mg per fruit slice. Compare this to the suggested daily allowance of 60mg. This, however is the amount recommended to prevent scurvy, that classically causes bleeding gums.

Buying a citrus juicer or juicer such as the Jack Lalanne Juicer is a good way to start juicing and investing in your health. This article demonstrates that many of the essential nutrients we require can be obtained in a healthy and natural way. - 17269

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