Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It Is Remarkable That Vegetables Can Actually Burn Abdominal Fat

By Alan Hill

After some research, I have learned that by studying the effects of food there are different ways in which it interacts within the body. I know that it has been believed for quite some time that vegetables are ok but we now know that some are average and some are great.

for as long as I can remember. Now I have learned that it has long been thought that vegetables are good for us, but I have never really knew why and some of these are just ordinary and some are simply superb. I have to say I think that vegetables get a raw deal (ha ha) no seriously, people opt for vitamin supplements when there are more effective elements in this great and important food group.

It is not generally known, that of this important food group, there is a certain class of vegetables that contain certain nutrients that actually eat away abdominal fat.

Now you may or may not know that there is a specific class of vegetables that contain phytonutrients that actually help to fight against abdominal fat. Yes that's right, not just good for us but they actually eat away existing fat tissue.

Let me explain what they are and why...

Now it could be that you know about food, nutrition and what is good and what is bad, including the latest cutting edge research and development and how certain ingredients in the food supply is effecting us, like pesticides, food additives and other chemicals from petroleum based products in the home, such as household cleaners can act as xenoestrogens.

What are xenoestrogens (I can hear you say?), well they are chemicals which when exposed to your body can have an estrogenic effect and too much of this can result in hormone disruptions for human beings. So these can play tricks in our bodies.

These special estrogenic compounds that we have been exposed to on a frequent basis can cause a persons body to retain fat, along with other challenges. By eating against this body fat encouraging estrogenic compounds, this can help your body to eat the unwanted abdominal fat and can make you slimmer and actuall make your six pack stand out nice and firmly ! Now you may not be Charles Atlass, but can you think of what might happen if your stomach became so firm and muscular that you had a hard and well defined set of abdominal muscles (a 6 pack) and all you did to get to this was chomp a few certain types of vegetables?

Some of these estrogenic chemicals that we have exposed ourselves to on a daily basis can stimulate your body to retain fat, along with other problems. By fighting against this abdominal fat stimulating estrogenic compounds, this can help a person to fight any unwanted belly fat and can actually help keep the fat at bay by making you slimmer and making your 6 pack bulge sexily, nice and prominently ! Now you may not be 'The Governor of California', but can you imagine what might happen with your life and your relationships if your stomach became so firm and toned that your six pack could be seen even under your shirt and the only thing you did to get this was to eat a few well chosen vegetables?

So, that is it then - just another excuse to do what your Parents (and in particular your Mother) told you to do - eat broccoli and your other greens (I won't tell you which ones here - you will need to read that yourself if you would really like to know).

This I learned by studying material which then had not yet been written down anywhere. It was a truly remarkable and healthy course that I have had to follow and after a short time I was putting what I had learned into practice.

I saw a real improvement in my abdominal muscles. After only 6 short weeks of simply following the instructions in the course, almost all of of my stomach fat had just disappeared.

It is true to say that I became a bit bored after a while but the course covered that and gave me some great suggestions on how to make these foods more interesting.

When I am at the gym now, you should see the looks I get and I was already quite fit and trim (being a Personal Trainer and all lol). Well the transformation was just out of this world and I can't help myself but grin during my working day; all because of what I picked up from this great and easy to follow course.

I am not selling this product but I feel very strongly that I would like to get as many people to become aware of this course which was written by someone who simply knows what he is talking about - even though I have never met Mike, although I have since learned that this man has written other equally groundbreaking courses.

Having studied the research date which backs up this fascinating study course, it had been produced by a skilled group of health professionals and I think that this is currently available at a much reduced price - make sure that you obtain your copy before the price increases which I understand may be quite soon - even so, I would still pay 15 times what it cost when I looked at the commercial version. I am sorry if it sounds like I am selling this course, but I just tend to get excited with I come across something like this - genuinely simple, effective and so easy to use that it makes more complex courses look like second rate 'wives tales' when compared to this scientific and easy to follow guide.

Please feel free to let your friends know about this article - it will astound them when they hear about xenoestrogens, broccoli and other vegetables and how they can help to actually eat their abdominal fat and disolve it away. If you are anything like me you will make it your specific goal to tell as many people as you can.

Mike, I would like to thank you for allowing me to trial your course and for allowing me to tell everyone about it now it has been launched - me, my friends and colleagues are enjoying practising what you have taught me.

Have Fun and Enjoy!

Alan Hill

Certified Nutrition Specialist Certified Personal Trainer Master Hypnotherapist Master NLP Practitoner

P.S. Mike has some cool tricks which he teaches in his Fat Burning Kitchen Program' is that vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale ect, contain unique and specific phytonutrients - for example indole-3-cabinol (I3C) to help fight against estrogenic chemicals.

P.P.S. If you have not picked up your copy yet, I understand that Mike is giving away at least 12 other teas, foods, spices etc that can help fight against xenoestrogens and can assist people to burn belly fat quick in this new program. - 17269

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