Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why Take a Physical Fitness Test

By Jesse Regan

This one of those tests that you should not fear and, in fact should take for your healths sake. A physical fitness test will only oblige you, after all, to do exercises that would serve as measuring instruments for your agility, endurance and stability, which are the four aspects that physical fitness consists of. You will be required to undergo such test if you join institutions that give importance to your physical abilities. If you join the army or the police, you will definitely require you to be fit. If you want to become an athlete, your team or club will normally ask you to do the test.

Cardio training exercises such as running for a prescribed distance or time if on a treadmill can be done to measure ones endurance. For testing ones strength, weightlifting and bodyweight lifting like push-ups are usually performed. Short sprints and dealing with an obstacle course are meant to gauge agility and flexibility such as those done in the army. For a comprehensive test, however, all four types of exercises may be required in order to discover the ones drawback and potency.

The first things you will appreciate in a physical fitness test will be your strengths and weaknesses. If you perform all routines necessary to measure yourself on the four factors, you will find out your problem areas. You can still start working out without undergoing a fitness test though. However, you run the risk of focusing only on your strengths while setting aside those that need to be developed.

When you are done with your physical fitness test, the results will be the starting points for your fitness program. If it proves that you have a problem with endurance, then your program will require you more cardio. If it also tells you that you lack physical strength, then you will have to spend more time with weights. Still, you will have to do the rest of the routines for a balanced approach on fitness.

Physical fitness tests are also conducted for medical purposes. As a form of diagnostic testing, doctors sometimes prescribe a patient to perform some routines in order to find out how vital organs such as the lungs and the heart react to exertion. They would let a patient run on the treadmill for a certain time while they monitor the heartbeat rate and blood pressure. There are also cases when a patient recovering from bone or muscle injury will be asked to lift weights in order to find out the degree of healing.

Schools have been carrying out these tests to help them design fitness programs that would suit the particular conditions of students. They need it to check also the limitations of students with ailments and avoid including them in exercises that could worsen their situation. The practice has become more important nowadays since the incidence of obesity has been rising among pre-teens and teens. Fitness programs are necessary to combat this among the youth and to introduce them to a fit and healthy lifestyle early on.

That's how online information about fitness tips are. - 17269

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