Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Benefits of Acai Berries

By Mary Hartz

South and Central America has a fruit called acai berry. Similar to a date, these fruits have a large central seed and a pulpy outer layer. The goodness of the acai berry is contained in the pulp.

Antioxidants As we all know, antioxidants may be one of the most powerful cancer fighters available in nature. The acai fruit is a rich source of numerous antioxidants. Anthocyanins as well as a dozen different flavonoid-like compounds are among the beneficial ingredients found in both the juice and freeze-dried samples of acai. The antioxidant properties are noticeable in the blood within two hours of ingestion.

Inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 Freeze dried acai berry power has been shown to have some ability to inhibit the production and effects of COX-1 and COX-2. When there is an early detection of cancer, these enzymes are visible in mutant cell structures.

Increased efforts in the field of research confirmed that the same power could be used to reduce experimental leukemia cells. This kind of research is good for people having a family based tendency for the disease as a possible source of preventative medicine.

Heart Health Oleic acid is found in acai berries, which already possess plenty of organic fiber and mono-unsaturated fats. These tiny fruits pack quite a load of heart-related health benefits, on top of their impressive protein dose. Already well-favored by athletes, amateur and professional, acais popularity is quickly spreading to the masses. Adding acai to a regimen of heart healthy exercise and eating may produce even better results.

With the increasing interest in acai it is especially important to purchase your products from a reliable source. Scams abound as people try to cash in on this new trend. Buy acai products only from reputable websites and take the time to find out what percent of your purchase actually comes from the berry. - 17269

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