Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Discover The World Of Christmas Breakfasts

By Adriana Noton

One of the best things about Christmas is the food on offer. However, many of us rarely start feasting until some point in the afternoon. But really, we should start tucking in as soon as our eyes are open in the morning of the 25th; particularly when there are breakfasts as good as these to tempt us.

Even if you are the one responsible for preparing the lunch, it doesn't mean you can't have good celebratory breakfasts either.

One simple idea, that most people will adore, is beautiful Scottish smoked salmon, served with rich and creamy scrambled egg. If you can grate some truffle over your eggs too, that will just be superb. To get a similar flavor, a touch of truffle oil could be added to keep the cost down a little. Serve with a bagel, or some nice soda bread.

Another easily made breakfast is a bacon croissant. Place some bacon, (ideally smoked streaky), in your frying pan and fry until just cooked, (but not super crispy). Whilst frying, put your oven on and place two baking trays on the shelves. Meanwhile, slice and butter a croissant and spread a little tomato puree on one side.

Once your bacon is done; place this on the croissant and sprinkle with some grated cheese. Place this on one of the baking trays, and place the second on top; pressing down a little. Put this back in the oven for a few minutes, or alternatively on a sandwich toaster, and serve whilst still hot.

Of course, if you really want to push the boat out, then "Full English" breakfasts all round really do need to be the order of the day. Traditionally, these are fried but to make things slightly healthier; you could opt to grill (broil) of course.

Traditionally, an "English Breakfast" will comprise bacon, sausages, baked beans, mushrooms and egg; though there really are no limits to what you can add.

Particularly good to add is a slice, (or two), of fried bread. Fried in butter, this is simply amazing, and with a side of sauteed potatoes, fried onions, tomatoes and even a black pudding; is sure to keep you going until lunch arrives.

Whilst making a tasty meal is simple enough with just the basics; there are a few things you can do to jazz it up for the big day.

Instead of simply warming up your beans; try adding a half cup of milk to the pan, along with a good sized chunk of butter. A squeeze of garlic puree and a grind of pepper work well too; simmered gently for fifteen to twenty minutes; they really are a treat.

With the fried bread too, a nice little trick is to turn it into "eggy bread". Rather than slather on the butter, thoroughly coat each slice in beaten egg and fry until golden. For a real sense of season; add a sprinkling of cinnamon or nutmeg to the egg.

Hopefully, these few ideas will really inspire to make your guests breakfasts something that little bit special this Christmas. However, if you don't agree; you could always just serve up a bowl of cornflakes and a round of toast?! - 17269

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