Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How Good Prenatal Nutrients Can Play An Important Part During Pregnancy

By Keith Woolley

If you are pregnant, congratulations! It is a wonderful journey and one that you will not forget. Part of enjoying your pregnancy is staying as healthy as possible and prenatal nutrients can help with this. There are a few nutrients that you need to make sure any supplement has, and you need to look for them when choosing which prenatal vitamins you will take.

Folic acid is important because it helps your baby form a proper nervous system. It helps the neural tubes which are important to the nervous system form correctly and allows the skin to close over the spinal cord at the right stage of development. If the nervous system does not form properly, the baby can develop a serious and life threatening disease. Because the nervous system is formed in very early pregnancy, health care officials are recommending that women take folic acid supplements before they become pregnant so that there are the proper levels of this nutrient in your body. You should also try and eat foods that are high in folate, a natural form of folic acid.

This disease, spina bifida can have a number of negative results. The baby can be born with fluid on its brain and this can lead to mental retardation. It can also cause the spinal cord to be left exposed to the air which can cause paralysis and underdevelopment of the legs and lower body. The leak of cerebral spinal fluid can result in other very serious health problems as well.

Another nutrient which many women are low on during pregnancy is iron.

You are building blood for yourself and the baby and if you do not have enough iron in your system, you can rapidly become anemic and this can become quite serious if left untreated. There are two types of iron that are available in prenatal vitamins. They are ferrous fumerate and ferrous gluconate. The problem is that some women have a hard time keeping one or the other down. If you find one makes you queasy, you should try switching to a prenatal vitamin that contains the other form of iron. You may find it can reduce your morning sickness.

In addition to forming blood, your body also will need calcium to help form the baby's skeletal system. Many women have found that if they do not have enough calcium in their diet they will actually end up having calcium pulled from their bones in order to accommodate the needs of the growing baby. In addition to eating and drinking dairy products, a good prenatal vitamin supplement can help you stay as healthy and bone-strong as possible.

One of the best ways to get any nutrient is through a balanced diet. This is not always possible for all pregnant women but you need to make sure that you try as much as possible. In the early days, when morning sickness is a problem, a vitamin supplement is even more critical.

You can get liquid vitamins as well as vitamins that are powdered in case taking a pill or capsule by mouth is too much to handle. Changing the vitamin formula you take or taking the pills right before bedtime when you can sleep through the queasiness may also help you to keep the vitamins down.

If you are a vegan, you may think it is impossible for you to find vegetarian supplements that do not contain animal products. These are becoming easier to find in many health food stores. Make sure that you speak to your health care provider so that they can evaluate the vitamins and make any recommendations about taking extra supplements. - 17269

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