Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 5, 2009

George Washington University Weight Loss Expert Reveals 4 Fat Cell Facts

By Josef Brandenburg

If you've been fighting the "battle of the bulge" for some time, and you can't quite figure out just why that stubborn fat won't budge, you're in luck. A George Washington University weight loss expert reveals four fat cell facts that in fact, may just help you get and stay slim and in shape.

Fact Number One: Pre fat cells are destined to get converted into fat cells and most of the time you help them in this conversion process

Our body manufactures millions of pre-fat cells that try to become full fledged fat cells also known as adipocytes. Even though you do not wish to convert them, without your knowledge, you help them get converted. How can you put an end to this?

Our George Washington University weight loss expert reveals this: The thing is, pre-fat cells don't store fat; full-fledged fat cells do. So when you help a pre-fat cell become a full fat cell, you do it by encouraging two hormones to produce themselves to excess in your body.

Insulin and cortisol are the two hormones and our busy life styles aid in over producing them in the body.

Lack of proper sleep and too much of stress are the main reasons. Both these reasons lead to excess production of the hormone cortisol. This will sound familiar to you only because it is. You do not get proper sleep and are stressing yourself too much leading to fat cell growth.

Little sleep and extra stress is also the reason behind the other hormone-insulin being produced in excess. Not only this, it is also over produced under the influence of our unhealthy food habits. Food which is high in simple carbohydrates, stimulate insulin production which results in weight gain thus and accumulation of fat deposits. Your insulin levels will also be higher than what they should be if you do not exercise.

Fact Number Two: Fat cells once acquired stay there forever

Again, this is something that's your responsibility. It takes some doing to get those fat cells, but once you've got them, you've got them forever. So congratulations. Your new fat cell friends got to jump on board because you didn't take care of yourself, didn't sleep enough, didn't eat right, didn't exercise, had too much stress, and so on.

How can you change this?

Fact Number Three: Sufficient sleep can help you shed excess weight

If you spend at least seven to nine hours a night asleep (REALLY asleep, no TV going, in other words) you're going to lower your levels of cortisol and raise your levels of beneficial, fat-hating hormones like testosterone, leptin, and growth hormone. With enough leptin, for example, you're less hungry (which will help you make better food choices) and your metabolism is higher (which will help you burn fat). Growth hormone and testosterone (yup, even for women in smaller amounts than for men) encourage muscle growth and fat burning.

But this does not have anything to do with artificially inducing any of these hormones. A good night's sleep is helpful in doing this job perfectly.

Fact Number Four: Sufficient sleep can put off fat storage by bringing down levels of cortisol and insulin

According to our weight loss expert at George Washington University, fat cells once accumulated are there forever. Your body only needs a certain amount of fat and reducing insulin levels will keep off the excess fat by increasing the levels of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL). HSL keeps fat out of the fat cells. On the other hand, increasing levels of insulin results in production of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). This allows fat to get deposited within the cells, which is not something you want.

The solution to this problem is quite simple. Proper sleep and a stress free environment accompanied by healthy diet and proper exercise can help shed excess fat from your body. - 17269

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