Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

3 Great Ways to Network with the Raw Vegan Community

By Alistair Bedingford

Raw vegans understand that raw veganism is more than just a diet; it is an outlook, a way of life. Whether it is in town or over the internet, it is important to meet other raw vegans, to form communities. A community enriches life style, enables learning and sharing. This article discusses ways to meet more raw vegans in order to enrich your life.

Method #1 Meeting Via Internet Groups

There are multitudes of sites whose sole purpose is to link people interested in a common theme. Meetup.com is a site that connects people with common interests and encourages them to "meet up". Typing "raw vegan" into meetup.com yields 995 groups across the United States. The largest group consists of over +1,400 members.

There are other group sites if Meetup.com is not what you are looking for, like Gather.com. In addition, the major social networking websites like Facebook and Myspace have many raw vegan groups you can join.

Method #2 Singles Groups for Raw Vegans

Some folks are looking to meet a significant other that shares their raw vegan perspective on the world. Again the internet to the rescue with sites tailored to helping raw vegan singles get together. Examples of such sites are rawfoodnetwork.com, veggiedate.org, and planetearthsingles.com.

Method #3 Where you shop for food

People who practice raw veganism usually shop in stores that share their beliefs and values, making it a perfect place to network. Try talking to people at the farmers market or at Whole Foods or where ever fine organic produce is sold. If the prospect of talking to strangers seems too scary, most organic food stores carry publications that can be a great resource for connecting within your neighborhood.

So get out there, network and connect, share and enrich the lives of others and yourself. - 17269

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