Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Healthy Benefits of Eating Strawberry

By Walter Marsaki

Strawberries are very tasty to eat. Did you know that they carried many health benefits as well?

First of all, they are very nutritious, like other fruits and berries. They contain vitamin C and lots of antioxidants.

It is believed that the presence of antioxidants is responsible for the bright red color of strawberries. These antioxidants help in fighting free radicals.

What exactly are free radicals? These are elements which can damage cells of the body, and might even contribute to cancer. So, eating strawberries can help in avoiding cancer.

The good things about strawberry do not end here. These little beauties also contain potassium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B5, B6 and K as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

They are absolutely packed with important nutrients which are very useful for your body. The good thing is that strawberries are very tasty to eat too, which makes it easy to include them in regular meals.

FDA organization has recommended people to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables. But many people are not willing to do so.

People have got used to eating junk and unhealthy foods that they crave for such foods only. They do not want to eat fresh fruits or vegetables.

So, we are missing out on such lovely and useful foods due to our junk food habit. If we want to regain our health, we have to break this destructive habit.

What better way to start than with strawberries. They are small and can be eaten quite easily. They are delicious, juicy and come in bright red colors.

Their looks might be very appealing to small children. So, we can inculcate this habit in children quite easily by encouraging them to eat fruits on regular basis.

Ripe strawberries are best and have the highest nutrient density. Unfortunately, strawberries do not ripen after they are picked from trees - unlike other fruits.

So make sure to choose the ripest and reddest strawberries. You have to eat them within a few days otherwise they will rot. They are very easily perishable and cannot be stored for many days. It is best to store them in refrigerator as they can last for a few days there.

Wash them thoroughly before eating. If a strawberry shows signs of mold, it should be immediately discarded as it can damage the other strawberries around it.

The good news is that you can, with little practice, start including more fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is not difficult to do so.

You can reap enormous benefits by eating more fruits and vegetables. You can start small and slowly add more of them in your daily diet. Why not start with strawberries first? - 17269

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