Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Healthy Breakfast Foods Explained

By Jamis Hartley

We've all been there on that morning when you just didn't have the time to eat anything for breakfast before you had to be out the door. We've all felt that hunger a few hours before lunch break. That's right, we've all stopped in at the local doughnut provider or convenience store to find us something to hold us over until we get the next chance for a meal. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or easy way to stay healthy. Eating right and putting in the effort is the only way.

By getting the healthy breakfast foods first thing in the morning we are able to perform at a much better level. Our appetites will not be for candy or sweets because our body is full and focused on the tasks of the morning. In order to stay satisfied your body wants the energy you are asking of it. If you are filling it with candy or sweets or other empty calories you cannot be healthy.

The healthy breakfast foods are those full of nutrient rich ingredients. Whole foods, like fruits and vegetables and whole wheat grain products are full of nutrition that will sustain your body with the need energy. Those foods advertised as fast and convenient are usually low in substance with add-in vitamins that look good on the box but there is nothing to them. Your stomach never gets full because there is no substance.

When you take a closer look at the breakfast foods that many of eat because it is easy you will find they are full of processed sugars and little else. Many have even taken the steps to qualify "technically" as a good source of whole grains, but when you look closely you'll see it simply is not a good source of anything but sugar. It's common sense really. If you crush it between your fingers and there is nothing there then you've proven that there is nothing there. Your body needs food not only vitamins and a dash of add-in whole grain.

The more healthy breakfast foods are those which are going to be slowly broken down into the glucose that your body needs to get through the morning. It is by far more healthy to take in some kind of protein in your breakfast, even if its a protein shake, to keep you feeling full longer.

When you are looking for healthy breakfast foods, take the time to compare the nutritional facts. They are hard to read sometimes, but if you take the time to learn a little about it and actually compare you will quickly learn how to pick out the good stuff from the garbage. Keep in mind that the advertisers are trying to convince you how healthy their products are, so don't listen to the loud screaming ads on the box, look at the facts. Many of the vitamins and minerals are there because they can be put in in supplemental form but the hardy ingredients that will give you the substance you need will be those higher in protein, fiber and whole grains. - 17269

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