Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Soya Milk: What Is It And Why Is It Good For Your Health?

By Mike Green

Soya milk is an extract of Soya beans and can be traditionally prepared at home following uncomplicated approaches. Apart from tea and ice-cream, the Soya milk is an added significant contribution made by the ancient Chinese civilization in 25 A. D to the world.

It was merely a matter of time before the world accepted Soya milk for its worth and gradually it became a norm in the society to utilize this variety of milk in place of the traditional cow's milk. This shift in the trend was adequately supported by the commercial production of Soya milk which was undertaken by a number of firms and ensured a continuous supply to all its users.

Soya milk in its original form is unsweetened and although after being sweetened it is utilized for numerous preparations, the salty Soya milk is found and is consumed only in China. One of the most popular by products of Soya milk are bean curd and tofu, which are made from this milk in the same way as cheese is prepared from the cow's milk.

The unearthing of Soya milk and its successive popularity has been a blessing for a lot of persons who do not drink the normal cow's milk for numerous reasons. These reasons possibly will vary from one individual to another as some might be allergic to cow's milk and some may perhaps have faith in veganism which prevents one from consuming any animal products.

Despite the fact that the protein content of Soya milk is about the same as that of cow's milk, the difference lies in the type of protein which is vegetable protein in case of the former and animal protein in case of the latter. One more important difference between these two varieties is the calcium content which is naturally present in cow's milk but is added during production to the Soya milk.

The health benefits of Soya milk are further accentuated by the fact that this milk is not rich in fatty acids due to which it hardly makes a contribution to the cholesterol level of the body. It is a rich source of vitamin E, lecithin in addition to isoflavones all of which contribute notably towards one's good health and well being. Thus in turn lowers the risk of heart diseases and allows an individual to enjoy the fruits of good health even in his old age.

The continuing rise of Soya milk's recognition has an after-effect of its rising popularity, nowadays one can find a Soya milk machine in the market sold under the category of household appliances. - 17269

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