Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 21, 2009

The 10th Day on My Homeopathic HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

Day 10 on the HCG Diet is a pretty big mile marker. Don't you think? I'm feeling like I'm getting in the groove. I've lost 9 pounds and I'm happy with the results so far.

I got up and got on the scale today and I was at 162.2. Not horrible (I didn't go up), but not great because I didn't go down either. I told myself that less than one pound of weight lost in a day was meaningless and I wouldn't mention it, but apparently I'm going to anyway. (I did go down by .6 of a pound). I checked and I didn't eat anything too horrible yesterday. I stuck to the diet.

I decided that I need to watch my portions. I've been having a lot of soup and I think maybe I'm overdoing the portions. So I'm going to be more careful from now on. And again...I think I could drink more water.

The huge cups that I was carting around have fallen into disfavor. They've spilled HUGE amounts of water in far too many places throughout my house (and car) while I was carrying them around trying to make sure I always had water on hand. So instead I think I'll try water bottles. That way I can cart them around and keep them wherever I want without fearing that I'll end up with a huge water logged mess.

The water bottle is definitely mobile and it won't spill. I took my HCG 3 times today as required by the HCG obesity protocol. I took my B-Total at lunch time instead of breakfast because I was purposefully laying about this morning. Every now and then it's just relaxing to lay around without any energy for a few hours. For lunch I had the leftover soup that was in the fridge (I measured to make sure the serving size was appropriate before I dug in).

My little girl is having a sleep over tonight with a friend. I made grilled chicken and asparagus for dinner. The sleep over friend would have none of it so she got a cheese crisp and some milk. But the kids ate it alright. Then there was a big calamity. The girls decided making cookies was the perfect sleep over activity. I set them all up, helped them make cookies and then helped them eat a couple. I KNOW! I was very bad. I wasn't quite sure what to do about it after the fact so I just skipped my fruit for the evening. I feel that falls far short of actually making up for the cookie breakdown, but there wasn't anything to do about it after the fact.

So I didn't have the greatest day on the HCG diet. But I'm going to definitely do better tomorrow. (It won't be hard to improve will it?) All I've got to do is stay away from decadent desserts. Sheesh! - 17269

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