Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 21, 2009

Article 19: Still Going on the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

Day 7 of the HCG diet and I'm still here and still kickin'. I'm fully surviving the 500 calorie limitation. And I'm surviving it happily. I lost 6 pounds already so I was already within the HCG weight loss system averages of 1 to 2 pounds per day.

When I weighed myself on Day 7 I'd lost 2 more pounds. Wahoo! That was pretty exciting because yesterday I went up one. So it was extra exciting to see myself drop a bit more. I'm currently at 162 pounds. And that leaves me at an official pound a day average for my first week.

After I weighed myself I took my B-Total and HCG drops. I totally agree that the B-Total is a fabulous addition to the HCG weightloss system. I like the added energy. I keep my B-Total in the bathroom so I take it when I put on my makeup. And I keep the HCG in the fridge (it needs to be kept in a cool place) and I take it when I'd normally be eating breakfast. I keep the scale under my bed. Sounds odd, I know, but my 9 year old (totally adorable and skinny daughter) went through a phase of being obsessed with weighing herself. So I don't like to keep scales around the house.

Regardless of why...I like that the scale is underneath the foot of my bed. It's so easy to whip it out first thing and weigh myself. I haven't forgotten yet. And I figured I would forget sometimes because I'm definitely the forgetful type. I'm not that big on the whole "daily routine" thing that people are always bragging about and saying is so wonderful. It sounds kind of boring to me.

I took my HCG again around 11 and then had lunch. Today I made the Turkey burgers that are in the cookbook. It's basically ground turkey and green onions with lettuce as a bun. And you're probably getting tired of hearing it, but it was so good! It might be my favorite of the recipes so far. With that I had half a grapefruit. I have Stevia to use for sweetener, but it happened to be sweet enough on its own. If I get the pink ones I don't always need to add something to make it sweet enough to eat.

I took the last set of HCG drops before dinner. I finished off my leftover chili for dinner along with an apple and some crackers. My kids wanted some chili, but I only had one serving left so they had to have cheese Quesadillas. Poor kids, right? I'll have to make a big pot of the chili so they can enjoy it with me next time. I wasn't sure they'd like it, but they loved it. (I did spare a couple bites for each of them). - 17269

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