Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The HCG Low Calorie Diet, Day 4

By Amelia Handley

So this morning in my Google Alert I got some interesting information about HCG Diet Direct. (I set up a google alert for them when I was researching various distribution companies for HCG). They are now ranked #1 in the diet and weight loss category at Ranking.com and they score a 10 out of 10 at TrustGauge.com. I had to call Lisa so she could pass the word on to her malcontent husband. He doubted my ability to judge the authenticity of a company online when I was talking Lisa into doing the diet with me. That's such a perfect "I told you so" moment that I just couldn't pass it up!

But enough of that extra chatter. We'll get right on to the basics of how I did on Day 4. And actually I feel I need to clarify that it's actually Day 6 of the diet. The first two were loading days so I've been on the low calorie portion of the diet for 4 days. Loading was so different from the low calorie portion that I tend to blow it off as if it wasn't part of the diet, but it's apparently a very important part of the program.

So now that we're clear you won't be confused when I say that on Day 6 I got up and weighed myself first thing. And first thing I discovered that for the first time since starting the diet I went up! Dang it all! I'm now 164 pounds. It must have been those few bites of Chick-Fil-A and Panda Express I stole from the kids plates on Saturday coming back to haunt me. I'm avoiding the food court from now on for sure.

So I took my HCG and drank several glasses of water throughout the morning. Then I took my HCG again and started to think about making lunch. I had packaged up a bunch of individual serving sized packages of the chili I made so I decided to go with one of those. I warmed one up and whipped out the Spicy 3 Pepper crackers that are so amazing. I decided to cut up my apple and drip lemon on it. I heard this mentioned in some of the HCG diet reviews. It was really, really good.

I bought some huge (not very cute, but HUGE) plastic cups that I've been using to make sure I get enough water throughout the day. I fill one up and cart it around with me throughout the day so I always have a massive amount of easily accessible water on hand. I think it's helping me get more water in. For dinner I attempted a new recipe: Rosemary and Chicken. And I totally messed it up. Apparently marinating is important (who knew, right?) I'll have to try that one again later.

I tried a new kind of tea: Red Zinger. It was alright. I'm still not attached to any herbal teas. But I'm going to get another flavor and give it another go. I'll have to run through some of the HCG diet reviews and see what other dieters got attached to. Too bad hot cocoa isn't allowed. That's SO easy for me to get attached to; it's just not healthy in any way whatsoever. - 17269

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