Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Health And Fitness Information - Food For Your Health

By Ali Bautista

There are specific foods and diets that are necessary for good health and fitness. When following a healthy diet you should also participate in regular exercise. A healthy diet will make you feel great and keep you strong on the outside and inside. One of the keys to following a healthy diet is to make sure you eat the correct portions.

An excellent example is the avocado. Avocados are considered fatty vegetables but the type of fat in them is great for your heart and insides, like fish oil and other omeg-3 fatty acids. By eating some avocado every single week you are helping your body. However consuming a large amount of avocado in the form of guacamole every single day will only pack on the fat as you are eating more fat then your body needs.

Grains are very important for health and they make up a large part of our diet. However whole grains are much better for you then refined or processed grains. The calorie content will be the same but whole grains are more filling because they contain more protein and fiber then processed grains. These high fiber foods also make you feel fuller for longer so you actually eat less in the course of the day.

So you should try to substitute whole grains in place of processed grains and foods. Some excellent examples of whole grain foods include popcorn, wild rice, whole wheat products, oatmeal, buckwheat, cracked wheat or bulgur, millet, barely and brown rice. If you are buying whole grain products make sure that the whole grain is one of the first ingredients.

Some other foods that have hidden health benefits include celery with has tons of antioxidants. Additionally products with seaweed are excellent as excellent has a lot of potassium, nutrients and minerals. Another good source of protein are scallops as they are low in calories but are 80% protein.

While following your healthy diet it is important to get two types of exercise. You need to do cardiovascular exercise as well as weight bearing exercise. This combination of exercise and healthy diet will ensure you stay healthy and fit for a long time. - 17269

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