Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Green Tea Is A Superb Nutrition Tea

By Aoife Joyce

If you are currently dealing with any minor ailments or illnesses or you just want to keep ahead of things, there is some exciting information you should know about Green Tea. Most people may know that the basics of green tea are that it is very good for you. But for those of you who would like to know more about what it can do in detail,then you will enjoy reading the remainder of this article.

To start, Green Tea originated in China over 4,000 years ago. It is made from the pretty plant leaves of Camellia Sinensis. These leaves are dried by way of steaming. This steaming action allows the all important antioxidants to remain in their original and best state. Speaking of antioxidants, the main and most important one found in green Tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate or in short terms EGCG. This is the antioxidant that has more power than Vitamin C, in fact it is 100 times more beneficial to you than Vitamin C. And interestingly enough it has 25 times more of an impact than Vitamin E, great news for your skin.

Fats and sugars that we ingest are synthesized by the body into a matter called Triglyceride. Triglyceride is used up by the body as a source of energy. If too much sugars and fats are taken in to the body however, there develops an excess of triglyceride. This excess is part to do with what causes obesity. This is not to say that EGCG can remove problems with weight on its own. However it can help hugely with efforts in reducing weight and weight loss diets. It can work in this way as EGCG actually stimulates the enzyme that dissolves triglyceride.

Free Radicals are those evil electrons that can cause havoc in the body. They are electrons that are in an unpaired state. Because of this state, they are basically damaged goods. Some are produced naturally in the body, however most of them that are found in the body are due to factors outside of the body, like UV radiation and toxic substances in the air. They are very reactive because they are unpaired, and so they search around for another electron to pair up with. While doing this, they attempt to latch on to healthy paired electrons. If they succeed in doing this, they end up damaging the healthy pair. They can damage the cell membranes, which allow bacteria's to enter the cell and problems to begin evolving within that cell.

As this continues, one cell after another, it can lead to larger structures becoming unhealthy. Some examples of results of this are cardiovascular diseases, lowered immunity, cancer development and possible DNA damage. All of this can be helped to be prevented by increasing your intake of EGCG. EGCG has the amazing ability of KILLING free radicals. So the more EGCG, in the form of Green Tea and other foods that you ingest, the higher your immunity and body's strength will be to fight off illness and diseases.

On the same note, Green Tea is not the only place that EGCG can be found. It is found in high doses in foods such as carrots, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, grapes and red wine. However, Green Tea does hold a higher percentage of EGCG antioxidants than all afore mentioned foods. Green Tea also contains Vitamin B2, Riboflavin, which is involved in red blood cell formation, antibody production and cell growth and respiration. This along with EGCG and all the other antioxidants it holds, can help in prevention of many diseases, some I mentioned above, others include strokes, blood clots, skin cancer and many minor illnesses and ailments - age spots, mouth ulcers, gum disease, heartburn, lack luster hair, weak nails, even your memory and vitality. - 17269

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