Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How Can Vitamin C Help Me Overcome My Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When most people think of vitamin C, they start thinking about lovely tall glasses of fresh squeezed orange juice; while this is certainly tasty and good for you, you do need to keep in mind the fact that vitamin C is found in many foods and is in fact essential for the functioning of your body. Getting enough vitamin C is important, and when you do not get enough, your body is sure to let you know. How much vitamin C are you getting in your diet, and is your body telling you that you need to get more?

It is important to think about where vitamin C is coming from. Oranges are not the only source to provide your body with vitamin C. Practically any citrus fruit contains vitamin C, but nearly all fruits and vegetables will have at least some vitamin C in them as well. Brussels sprouts, mangoes, spinach, guava, persimmons, and melons are some of the other foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C in them. There are also some animal products that can provide some vitamin C, with animal liver as one example. To be certain that you are obtaining the recommended amount of vitamin C, a multivitamin or supplement program can prove to be helpful.

You should learn how vitamin C works with your immune system. If you have ever used vitamin C when you felt a cold or flu coming on, you probably already recognize that vitamin C can help you fend off the cold or flu, if you get enough of it. Vitamin C acts as an impressive immune system booster, and if your body needs more of it, your body has ways to let you know of its need. Feeling weak, irritable, or sick, or just being more susceptible to infections and to illnesses could be your body telling you of its need for more vitamin C. A deficiency of vitamin C in babies and young children can actually slow their growth process.

Scurvy is an extreme condition caused by a vitamin C deficiency, which can involve subcutaneous bleeding, loosened teeth, and the appearance of spectacular bruises. Anemia may also arise from this deficiency condition, and you could continuously feel tired and ill, even if there is nothing else really wrong with you.

If you want to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, you will find that for men, it needs to be around 75 mg per day, with 90 mg as the ideal dosage. For women who are pregnant, it will be 10 mg more than that, and then for women who are breastfeeding, adding another 45 mg on top of that is ideal. A smoker, whether they are male or female, should have at least 100 mg of vitamin C a day.

Are you getting the right amount of vitamin C in your body? If you are feeling tired and lethargic all the time, the answer might be no. Consider the symptoms above and make sure that you are getting the vitamin C that you need. This is something that can make a huge difference to how healthy you feel and your daily energy level.

Many people with a vitamin C deficiency develop the tendency to bruise easily. By following a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which contains vitamin C and other bruise fighting ingredients, many folks have been able to overcome their condition. Bruises Be Banned has proved repeatedly that it can help you reduce bruising easily. - 17269

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