Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How To Get Rid of Belly Fat - Top 10 New Year's Resolutions

By Rizal Shaik

Every year, how to get rid of belly fat fast is listed as one of the Top 10 New Year's Resolutions

Reducing belly fat remains one of the most difficult Top 10 New Year's Resolutions for many people and it is amazing how it continues to be in the list year in, year out.

Now most people will say lose weight in their new year's resolutions. However, I would rather say lose that stubborn belly fat instead. Why? Because there is no way you will have abs if you are unfit. You will get better results by focussing your effort on removing that stubborn belly fat and for sure, you will lose weight in the process too.

Alright, so is there a way to really remove get rid of belly fat from our Top 10 New Year's Resolutions list?

Of course there's a way...

To put simply, you need to do these three important steps in order of importance. They are Mindset, Nutrition and Workouts.

The first one is the most important step - Mindset. Most people failed to reduce belly fat and remove it from their Top 10 New Year's Resolutions list because they fail in this step.

You must complete this right now:

1.Imagine exactly what you want (such as how energized you want to feel, how you want your body to look etc)

2.Have a burning desire to do the things you are going to do

3.Be specific and list down the goals you want to achieve (such as the hours to set aside every single week for workouts, the time period to achieve your goals, the type of food you want to skip)

4.Really believe that your goals are achievable

Once your mindset is set right, you have to deal with nutrition next. Understand this - nutrition is much more important than your exercises. Why you might ask? Well simple put, if all you eat are junk foods, there is absolutely no workouts out there that can remove the junk you put in.

The best thing you can do about nutrition is to eat natural foods.

So avoid any processed foods and go for natural foods such as meats, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Now if you have been eating foods with healthy labels such as low fat, low sugar, diet or slim and think you are doing a mighty fine job of eating healthily, then you are in for a rude shock. These so called "health foods" are nothing more than a marketing gimmick to ride on the health trends. They are still processed foods and no less unhealthy as those without these labels (and way more expensive too).

And whatever you do, just give fast foods a fast getaway. Don't eat them. Your healthy eating starts at the grocery store and the more you educate yourself about food labels, the better off you are. Watch out for transfats and give it a wide berth.

Seventy percent of the battle is done if you take care of your nutrition. Now comes the comparatively easier part - the workout. However, let's adjust your understanding of what constitutes a good workout.

A great workout is not those long boring cardio workouts that many fitness trainers ask you to do. A good workout to lose fat must instead gives you a range of heart rates, not the constant rate that cardios do.

I give you an example of a great fat burning exercise. If you do a quick round of skipping for say 30 seconds, slow down to recover your breath and go at it again, you will lose way more fat then long hours of cardio. And the best part is you only need ten to 15 minutes of this intense workout to burn fat and get rid of belly fat.

You also need variety in your exercises. Most people stop exercising because they just got bored. Make it fun by having a variety of exercises. You can easily substitute skipping for sprinting or swimming or even stairs climbing. Variety is essential to keep your motivation strong.

Yes it is as simple as that. Just 3 steps to reduce belly fat and meet one of your goals in your Top 10 New Year's Resolutions! - 17269

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