Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Men With Breasts: What Do You Do?

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia is very common. It is seen most often in boys going through puberty or men going from middle age to old age. It is not known for certain what causes it or why some men are affected when others aren't, but is is a hormonal problem that can be easily fixable depending on the severity of the condition. So what is this condition and how do you know if you have it?

It is when a man's breast tissue becomes very responsive to sexual hormones and inflates. The mammary glands swell up, giving him the appearance of having breasts. It is easy to understand why this happens in adolescents and older men, since it is a time of great change in their physiques.

Since every person has certain amounts of both estrogen and testosterone, any time that is hormonally stressful may trigger these hormones. This is why some teenage girls can develop unwanted hair and why some boys develop breast tissue. This can be very noticeable and extremely embarrassing to undergo.

The sad fact is, though, some men really do have what is known as 'man boobs.' How do you you tell the difference? How will you know if you need to go to the gym or if your problem is hormonal and will disappear in a few years?

Because gynecomastia is hormonal and may make breast tissue expand more rapidly than by gradual weight gain, a man's breast tissue may be tender, as are the developing breasts of teenage girls or pregnant women. The nipples can be puffy if gynecomastia is involved and exercise will effect no change in the size of the breast tissue because their largeness has nothing to do with weight loss or gain.

Man boobs, on the other hand, ARE affected by weight loss or gain. They are pure fat and the mammary glands are not part of the equation like in men with gynecomastia. This is another good way to tell because if you are not an over-weight man but you have breasts--or if you were an over-weight man and lost weight, but your breasts are still prominent--then you probably have this condition.

There are many different kinds, too. Some can be extremely severe, some can affect only one pectoral, and some can affect only the nipples. It can be a common problem for body builders and steroid users, since it stimulates muscle growth. Men who have been body builders but have since let their muscle start to go away probably do not have gynecomastia. Though disproportionately large or saggy breast tissue in a man is usually an indicator of this problem, your pectorals may look that way naturally if you let your muscle go slack. Hitting the gym and doing exercises to tighten up that slack muscle and make you leaner is the only way to get rid of it.

So how do you solve it? Hormone therapy is the first step and the one which will solve most people's problems. If it is severe, some doctors recommend radiation. For those who are clearly not going to grow out of it or who have it so severely that it is emotionally painful, liposuction may be your only way out. But make sure you know what you're doing before you start down the plastic surgery route, because it can go one and lead to more and more problems you never had before, like severe scarring or serious medical problems. - 17269

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