Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Six Pack Diet -- Which Foods Should You Eat?

By Travis Hunt

Do you wish to know the most efficient six pack diet EVER? You don't have to spend money on extravagant diet fads and magic slimming pills. This guide will help you form the six pack abs you desire in the soonest time possible.

If you want to have fast flat abs, eating healthy foods is the secret. You can eat your way to ripped abs. You only need to find out the right diet that will help you get the most out of your program.

Keeping your diet simple and healthy can help you burn fat quick. Don't forget that the foods you eat are the prime source of your energy. They can give you the nutrition that will help your body work effectively.

Proper nutrition is key; avoid food that can harm your health. Take note that following the right six pack diet will make you burn belly fat fast. Here are the 3 major nutrients you should eat to make your flat stomach exercises more efficient.

1. Foods Packed With Protein

Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the human anatomy. It builds LEAN MUSCLE, among other things.

Protein has many functions and stabilizing your energy levels is just one of them. It helps fix damaged cells and raise body resistance as well. This macronutrient helps your muscles recover from hard routines and makes your body stronger as you move on.

Fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, and yogurt are good examples of protein rich foods you want to include in your diet. Eat these especially after long, hard exercise routines.

2. Healthy Carbohydrates

These foods play an important role because from them you get your main source of energy. It is the second most important aspect of your six pack diet.

Carbs help you resuscitate your body's energy. These types of food keep you going even if you had just performed intense workouts.

Green leafy vegetables, bread, pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and cereals are only a few of the good carbs you need to load up on. You'll need them more on days when you plan to work out.

Muscle loss is only one of the many side effects of not consuming enough carbs; it might appear that you're losing fat but you're actually not. Moreover, you do yourself more harm than good because it has a negative impact on your metabolism.

3. Good Fats

Fats make up the third most important aspect of a six pack diet. I kid you not! Fats provide many benefits to the body, especially if you stick to the healthy kind.

Scientific studies show that eating fats is an important component of any effective fat loss program. In doing so, you can keep your cravings at a minimum. When you include good fats in your diet, you won't feel hungry as often. These "healthy" fats can be found in fish, olive oil, nuts, and soy beans.

Then you have your unhealthy fats. These are fats found in baked goods, deep fried food, junk foods, fast foods, processed goods, and margarine products.

So always remember to eat foods packed with protein, good carbs, and healthy fats. This makes the best six pack diet. This will also help you adapt to a healthy way of life.

These are the three important facts about six pack diet. Consuming these nutritious foods will help you burn belly fat fast. Combine this with regular workouts and you?ll get your dream abs in no time.

Now you know the three nutrients that will complete an effective six pack diet. Keep in mind, you should add protein, healthy carbs and good fats in your every day meals. Avoiding those unhealthy foods can help you take care of your body inside-out. A well-balanced diet can help you burn off belly fat soon. - 17269

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