Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Looking for High Cholesterol Natural Remedies? Here Are 3 to Get You Started

By Joe Dungait

It appears that the demand for high cholesterol natural remedies is growing significantly as people look at alternative methods to help control their cholesterol levels. This undoubtedly has something to do with the fact that people are more aware of the side effects that are connected with statin drugs now and seek to find a safer alternative. When it comes down to high cholesterol natural remedies, there are various things that you can do such as exercising more and cutting down on the amount of foods containing trans-fats that you eat, however the following three steps are an excellent way to reduce your bad and raise your good cholesterol.

1.Garlic - Over the years the praises of garlic have been sung by many holistic practitioners. Garlic has many health boosting properties, and one of them is that it is able to help your body control cholesterol levels. This is down to a compound that contains which is allicin. However if you are like a lot of people who are reluctant to eat garlic because of the smell that it leaves on the breath, then help is at hand because it is now widely available in the form of supplement.

2.Artichoke - Artichoke leaves contain a substance called cynarin. This substance has been proven to be beneficial in helping to reduce cholesterol levels. During the 1970s clinical research was carried out on the substance and a test was performed on 143 patients that had high cholesterol. The subjects were given artichoke leaf extract daily for six weeks, and at the end of that period it was discovered that their total cholesterol levels had dropped by 10 - 15%. Just like garlic, artichoke leaf extract is available as a supplement.

3.Naturally Blended Supplements-- As well as the above two supplements that we have already mentioned, there are other supplements that contain a natural blend of several ingredients which have been proven to be beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels and raising good. There are several on the marketplace, but ideally the one that you choose should contain amongst others the ingredients policosanol, theaflavins, lecithin, phytosterols, rice bran oil and finally D-limonene. The reason for the six is because tests have proven that they are the most effective in controlling cholesterol levels.

At the end of the day, if you can find high cholesterol natural remedies that work for you then that is an ideal scenario. As mentioned earlier the side effects of statins are many and do you really want to be on a medication for the rest of your life that has been linked with causing memory problems, heart failure and cancer? - 17269

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