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Friday, January 15, 2010

Learn Fun And Easy Poses Yoga For Beginners

By Thaya Kareeson

Yoga is well-known to improve health, relieve stress, improve coordination, balance and overall fitness, both mental and physical. Yoga, if you know nothing about it, can be intimidating. You have visions of turning yourself into a human pretzel - you who has not done anything remotely pretzel-like since you were five years old! Put your mind at rest. In yoga for beginners there is no need for you to do any pose beyond your ability. Here are a few beginner's poses to get you started.

Sukasana is translated as Easy Yoga Pose. You may be doing this pose already and not even know it is yoga! Start by sitting on your bottom with your legs crossed and bent at the knee, not straight out in front of you. Then move one leg toward your body. The other leg can lie on the floor. Sit up straight and tall with your head parallel to the floor. Be sure your shoulders are relaxed.

To do the Tree Pose, start from a standing position. Your hands should be in a prayer pose, fingertips pointing up, at chest level. Hips should be parallel to the floor as much as possible. Slowly bring your right foot up the inside of your left leg until it rests on your inner left thigh (or as high as you can get it without pain). Remain balancing for a time, then repeat with your other leg and foot. Hold on to the wall or a chair if you need extra support.

Adho Mukha Svansana, otherwise known as Downward-Facing Dog, will stretch your entire body. Start by getting down on all fours, hands and knees aligned with your shoulders and hips. Your back is flat. Next, bring your hands back towards your feet, raising your backside up towards the ceiling and straightening out your legs. You will look like a triangle (inverted). Hang your head, take your shoulders out of your ears and relax them (beginners tend to scrunch their shoulders towards their ears). Do not invert yourself farther than you can go without pain.

The Child's Pose is another good stretch for your spine. Starting at Downward-Facing Dog Pose on all fours. Lower your bottom down to sit on your calves. Your knees should be spread apart. Position your arms with your fingertips pointing toward your feet, along your body, or stretch them out in front of you with your fingers splayed. Hold as long as you wish.

The Cat and Cow Pose also starts from the Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Bend your toes under. Relax your shoulders and drop your stomach toward the ground. Your back will be concave. Hands and knees need to stay aligned with your shoulders and hips. Then stretch your back like a cat, arching upwards. Return to starting position.

From a standing position with your hands in prayer position and your feet apart, go slowly into a squatting position. Your elbows will be at the inside of your knees slightly pressing outward. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Spine should be straight, no hunching. Remain like this for five breaths.

There you have five very simple poses that you can use to relieve tension, improve balance and flexibility. They were not too difficult, were they? And you probably feel much more relaxed than when you began. Now that you know yoga for beginners is not too hard, continue your practice and consider joining a yoga class in your community. Your body will thank you. - 17269

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