Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cholesterol Blood Test - Why You Need One

By Adrian Fletcher

Next time you get a check up from your doctor, ask about getting a cholesterol blood test. This can tell you how much cholesterol is in your blood and will indicate if you have to make some lifestyle changes. This test is just one of several that are done on a regular basis. There is a battery of tests that is done regularly on every patient once he or she reaches a certain age.

The results of the cholesterol blood test indicate to your doctor whether or not your cholesterol is too high and whether you need to make changes in your lifestyle or eating habits to correct this condition. If it is too high, the most common first treatment step is a change in diet and an exercise program, followed by prescription medication.

You can have tremendous control over your cholesterol levels by controlling your diet. You can get your cholesterol levels right where they need to be by choosing to take the important step of monitoring your diet and the kinds of food you consume. You can consult a good dietitian to create a heart healthy, low cholesterol diet plan that you can easily follow and will enjoy.

Don't be worrried that unappetizing or unpleasant tasting food is going to be the norm. You will still have the opportunity to indulge in different kinds of foods as you attempt to lower your cholesterol, but learning how to prepare your favorite foods properly is essential to sustaining your efforts.

You will be amazed at the vast array of cookbooks, online recipe columns, informative magazines, and heaps more available to you to help you prepare healthy, low cholesterol foods. Good, cholesterol friendly cookbooks will give you extensive lists of foods and just as importantly, teach you how to prepare them. Learning how to plan and prepare heart healthy, low cholesterol meals can be challenging and fun, and learning this new skill will help you incorporate these good habits into your lifestyle.

Your family's cooperation and support with your heart healthy cholesterol lowering diet will be paramount in your success. With their cooperation you will be able to clean your cupboards, refrigerator and freezer and replace all the foods that have contributed to high cholesterol with new, delicious, heart healthy choices. The changes you make could well have benefits for your family too if they eat some of the meals you prepare.

Within a few months of implementing your new habits, your health care provider will want you to have a new cholesterol blood test. A regular cholesterol blood test is the best way to ensure that your new habits are having the desired effect of lowering your cholesterol levels; if you are not making sufficient progress, you might need to make some additional changes. In addition to the test results, the way you feel will also indicate that you are moving towards a healthier lifestyle. - 17269

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