Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Secret to Good Health and Longevity Found in Rare Exotic Berry

By Marcus C. Evans

It's tough these days to look and feel great. Staying healthy is more difficult than ever with exposure to numerous toxins that no one knew anything about just a generation ago. We also experience intense levels of stress far different from that of our ancestors who came before us.

It may seem funny then that the solution to these modern problems is an ancient berry that has been around for thousands of years. The acai berry is a blueberry-like fruit that grows in the Amazon rainforest and has been utilized for centuries by native inhabitants of the region for its beneficial properties. This berry offers tremendous health benefits that are just now being discovered by the scientific community and the world at large.

The first thing that you should realize is that the acai berry is chock-full of antioxidants. When free radicals are released in your body, they can do all sorts of damage, ranging from premature aging to even promoting certain types of cancer.

The acai berry has several times the antioxidants in blueberries. In addition to its astoundingly high antioxidant content, the acai berry is a rich source of essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6. These heart-healthy fatty acids are similar to fats found in olive oil. The acai berry is also high in protein-building amino acids. Each of these nutritional factors works in tandem to make the acai berry a superpower for safeguarding human health and promoting optimal longevity.

The acai berry is full of fibre and good for the digestive system as well. It has well known appetite suppressant effects, and can stave off hunger pangs and keep you feeling satisfied for longer between meals. Owing to its low glycemic index, the acai berry keeps you feeling full and tastes great to boot. If boring and tasteless diet food has you running for the hills, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that acai berry tastes great while helping you with your weight loss goals.

When combined with a sensible diet and exercise program, the acai berry can help you achieve phenomenal results. As a digestive aid, it helps you process food more efficiently, maximizing your nutritional benefits from a healthy diet.

Effective digestion can keep you from putting on the weight that happens when your body is not processing as effectively as it should and instead decides to store everything as fat!

The truth of the matter is that people all over Australia are waking up to the acai berry and they are finding that it is improving their lives immeasurably. Whether you want to try acai berry dried, in smoothies or in a juice mix, see what this amazingly tasty, incredibly nutritious super food can do for you! - 17269

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