Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Secrets to Getting a Killer Six Pack and Great Abs

By Tony D. Martinez

Do you want to have great six-pack abs or did you have them back in the day and you would really like them back? Well, imagine yourself at the beach on a sunny day and taking off your shirt to reveal toned abs for everyone to see. Wouldn't that be nice!

Unfortunately you're going to need to do more than just wish for great abs. If you really want a ripped stomach you need to actually do some work. Getting toned abs is probably not as difficult as you imagine but it will require commitment. The following tips will help you toward achieving the abs you've been dreaming about.

The first and most important thing is to ensure you have a varied workout plan. Plan a workout routine that gives you challenges on a daily basis. Having a routine that makes you comfortable or getting used to a set of exercises will not push your body enough to get the improvements you're after.

You must push and challenge yourself if you don't want it to reach a stagnation point. When you start something new, your body will work hard and there will be a lot of improvement in results but after some time the body starts to get used to that particular routine and you won't gain as much. Therefore it is necessary to keep changing your workout routine.

Variety will also help to maintain your interest. Do the same routine over an over again and you'll find yourself bored and lacking motivation very quickly. Mix it up; maintain your own motivation and interest. If you're enjoying your exercise you are far more likely to succeed.

Most people think that to get a six pack you only need to do abdominal exercises. This is not the case, interestingly the most effective exercise for getting ripped abs is full body exercise. This is because fully body exercise uses the abdominal muscles to support the rest of your body. When you have the entire body exercising you tend to lose a lot more weight than when you are only doing abdominal workouts.

Sleep is vital for ensuring that the body repairs itself. Abs do not come easy. A lot of work is needed and thus the body is going to be really pushed to the limit. Your body needs sleep in order to rest and rejuvenate so ensure that you are getting enough.

There is a wealth of information out there on getting toned abs. Perhaps the best tip that I can give you is to make sure that you have a planned schedule. Having this, and sticking to it, is for many people one of the biggest motivating factors. Before starting on your exercises be sure to do some research. Once you find a program that is suited to you, you've taken your first major step to getting that six-pack you've been dreaming of. - 17269

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