Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, February 20, 2009

Drinking Wu Yi Tea For Weight Loss

By Petronella Lauritsen

It seems that everywhere you go these days, people are talking about how they started using Wu Yi tea for weight loss. Is it something which can really help you to lose weight, or is it just another flavor of the month? Well, the Chinese have been drinking Wu Yi tea for centuries; and they are known for their low rates of obesity and general good health, so perhaps there's something to this after all; or could it just be the taste (which is terrific). Let's have a closer look at the uses of Wu Yi tea for weight loss and maintenance.

There have been a lot of studies performed on WuYi tea and its health benefits. While Wu Yi is just a type of Oolong tea, it is the mineral content of the soil where it is grown (Mount Wu Yi in southern China, which gives the tea its name) and the processing that the tea goes through after being picked that really makes it something special.

Many plants contain compounds called polyphenols; the plant needs this for photosynthesis. Now, this compound also happens to be why it is helpful to drink Wu Yi tea for weight loss. Oolong tea and especially Wu Yi tea contains an exceptionally high amount of these compounds. When you ingest polyphenols, your body begins to produce the enzymes which break down fat cells. This makes Wu YI tea for weight loss a healthy choice, since it uses your body's own fat-burning properties to help you lose weight.

The effects of polyphenols on weight loss have been studied, with the results showing that using Wu Yi Tea for weight loss just plain makes sense. One study showed that after drinking Wu Yi tea, the participants burned calories at a rate 10% higher than the control group, who drank water instead. Now, while you may not think this sounds that impressive, just think about what burning 10% more calories could mean for you when combined with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine. This is the kind of edge you need to lose weight faster.

Wu Yi tea can help you to get over the weight loss plateau safely and naturally. Besides helping your body to burn fat and calories, Wu Yi tea can even block your body from absorbing some of the fat from foods you eat! This is just another great benefit of Wu Yi tea for weight loss.

If you'd like to find out more about how you can lose weight with Wu Yi tea, there is plenty of information out there; you can even read Wu Yi tea reviews in order to see what others are saying.

Drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss is a great way to help you lose weight faster; and since it tastes great and offers plenty of other health benefits, Wu Yi tea is something which everyone should include in their diet, especially if they're trying to lose weight. - 17269

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