Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, February 27, 2009

Natural Remedies For Acne.

By Julieanne van Zyl

Over 50 per cent of individuals between the ages of 12 and 21 suffer the devastation of acne. The pimples often start with the start of puberty and the body's hormones are rising. Individuals become more propensity to acne anytime hormones begin to lift or surge in the body. Women who are pregnant, or going through menopause, or anybody who is using steroids is likely to undergo from acne. If not treated, the acne often results in scarring.

To moderate the scarring, the condition needs to be treated, wherever the acne appears, face, arms or buttocks. The choice is between remedies prescribed by a physician, which will be laboratory made, or natural remedies, or a combination of both, one supplementing the other.

Open pores in the skin are an proposal to the bacteria and oil which make the pustules and cysts of acne. A simple protective method is to close these open pores by rubbing the face with ice for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Closing the pores will go help a lot in preventing new pimples.

The acidity of tomatoes presents another option as they help to diminish large pores and black heads in people who have oily skin. Slice the tomato open and rub it on the face letting it to dry for some minutes before washing it off. If you have very oily skin, do not wash the face with soap and water. Instead, in the morning and evening, use lukewarm salt water which will eliminate the oil without drying out the skin too much.

Crushed mint leaves tied in a muslin cloth and squeezed is another natural remedy for acne and blackheads. Use the juice on the face.

By far the best natural treatment for acne is stop it from happening in the first place.. When potential acne victims become conscious of that period in their lives when their hormones will be flowing such as during puberty, pregnancy or when they are using certain medications, it is good policy to use good skin cleansing and general good health practices to prevent the pustules and blackheads developing.

The largest organ in the body is the skin, and it is fed by the food that we eat. By eating junk the skin will produce junk. Improve your overall diet by reducing your intake of processed foods, foods that contain undue quantities of trans fatty acids or foods that are high in fat. This means relinquishing as much as possible foods like hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, excessive chocolate and processed foods like chips and candies.

Modify your diet to one that's high in green leafy vegetables, fruits and trace minerals and pimples will not come close. And, while fluids are very important to the health and wellness of your skin, it is well to remember that soda is a toxin full of excess sugar and other chemicals. Water is the best fluid to flush out toxins from the body and give your skin overall health and glow.

If the pimples do occur, resist from the use of makeup. Cosmetics tend to bother the condition and assume the appearance of pimples covered by makeup.

The sun is valuable for both the prevention of acne and its treatment, but there are several things to remember. Be sure that you are using an approved sunscreen to prevent sunburn to your face or any other exposed areas of the body. Tanning by the sun may make the acne look less visible but it also speeds the aging process of the skin and increases your risk of skin cancer.

Include in your diet an sufficient amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene. These have been found to help rebuild healthy tissue and hinder outbreaks in those who are prone to acne. Cucumber juice, either by itself or mixed with carrots, lettuce or alfalfa, has been found to be another natural choice which provides the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for the skin to help rebuild itself. It is vital that these juices should be made and consumed within 12 hours of making, or the active living enzymes in them will die and will decrease their effectiveness.

Vitamins B, E, and C have been found helpful for both the prevention and treatment of acne. Potassium deficiencies have been related with people who have acne but because potassium is also important in the electrical conduction of the heart individuals should refrain from taking supplements and just eat bananas. Bananas are high in potassium.

Although there is no one vitamin that is of dominant importance in the prevention of acne, in combination they work jointly to provide a curative process for the body from the inside out. - 17269

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