Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vemma Mangosteen Juice And High Blood Pressure

By Julieanne van Zyl

Vemma Mangosteen Juice may help with your high blood pressure problems. Hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure is a condition that involves higher than normal pressure in a person's arteries. This means that the pressure required to pump the blood through the body's organs and blood vessels, is higher than normal. The blood is transported from the heart to every cell of the body. A normal blood pressure is recognized to be 120/80. Anything above 140/90 is thought to be too high.

In most cases the reason for hypertension is obscure. Thus it has become recognized as "the silent killer" because there are often no signs or symptoms and many individuals will be unaware that they have it. It is generally only recognized for what it is on a routine physical examination and then is closely monitored by your primary care medical practitioner. However, some individuals do have symptoms of this condition that come in the form of blurry vision and general visual disturbances, severe, frequent occurring or persistent headaches, dizziness, and/or nausea.

Medical practitioners usually treat high blood pressure with medication and recommend lifestyle changes. However, natural remedies for high blood pressure can also be really effective. various natural remedies for high blood pressure would include:

Abstain from smoking. A healthy, well-balanced diet. Abstain from excessive alcoholic consumption. Take regular exercise. Reduction of stress Restrict intake of sodium/salt Maintaining healthy weight to height ratio, with attention to diet.

Many foods have natural remedial properties for hypertension. For example, a supplement like Vemma Mangosteen juice is also known to help in a number of cases. Foods that are known to help are:

Mangosteen fruit, dried apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, cayenne pepper, green vegetables, milk, orange juice, raisins, squash .....and more!

Stress as mentioned earlier, plays a huge part in your life and can be the cause of many conditions including high blood pressure or hypertension. Stress, rarely, can be eliminated totally, as it is everywhere. There are some measures we can take to decrease our stress levels. These stress reducing activities can help you to relax thereby reducing your stress, which should in turn help at keeping your blood pressure at optimal levels. Take time every day to exercise, put yourself in a silent place away from all noise and distraction, perhaps the bathtub, and think of nothing at all. Many people also use meditation as a form of relaxation to soothe their frazzled nerves. Whatever works for you is always best.

High blood pressure or hypertension, if untreated, creates a more elevated than normal risk of suffering from a stroke or a heat attack. If you experience any of the symptoms that are stated above you should see your primary care doctor straight away. Routine physical examinations are a good idea as well to make sure that you are in general good health and to monitor any health conditions that you may have. Remember, any condition that you may have is always easier to treat in the early stages and even better to prevent in the first place. - 17269

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