Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 13, 2009

5 Fascinating Height Statistics You Probably Didn't Know

By Rodney Williams

Statistics help bring to light things we would not even have considered, while confirming or denying other things we may have thought we knew. Height has many unique and interesting statistics of its own, which may surprise and enlighten you. Let's take a look shall we?

1) Height by Region - This has been one of the most looked at areas concerning height. With entire regions of the world having significant height advantages over other areas, it seemed like the most obvious way to find the link between height and the factors which affect it. So what is causing this fluctuation in height between different regions?

Genetics of course plays a role, and if a nation has taller people than another, it seems only natural that they'll continue to be taller. This doesn't explain why they became taller in the first place, but that question is difficult to answer without detailed statistics from hundreds or thousands of years ago. Factors we do know that influence height are namely the aforementioned genetics, as well as nutrition. Whether we'll learn more in the future, such as possible environmental effects, isn't known.

2) Growth Spurts - The growth spurts in children, brought about by the increased levels of human growth hormones released during puberty, can by quite dramatic, usually resulting in height gain increases of more than 50% above the years surrounding the growth spurt. Girls, who typically hit puberty around the age of 11, can gain as much as 3.5 inches per year during this span, while boys, who hit their spurt slightly later, can see yearly increases of as much as 4.5 inches per year.

3) Family Ties - We talked about genetics earlier, and the subject of height and genetics has been analyzed so much that a formula for predicting height based on genetics has become widespread.

By adding the total of the two parents heights in inches, and the four grandparents heights and dividing that by 6, we come to the number that is fed into the formula. For males that formula is to multiple the number by 1.08 and add 3.5 inches. For females, they should multiple the number by 0.92 and add 2.5 inches.

4) Height in the Workplace - An interesting statistic shows that taller men are selected for employment positions or promotions three times more often than their shorter counterparts, when it's determined their skills are equal.

5) Height in Love - Height is also important in a partner, and here too taller is usually better. Women almost always desire taller men, while men naturally prefer smaller women, though they naturally have less choice in the matter. Even though that is the case, men are much less concerned about height in general than women are.

Broken down by region, Asian women were much more willing to overlook height, probably based on their own shorter statures, while black women wanted taller men at the highest clip.

These statistics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to interesting height related statistics. One thing is for certain, height can have an effect on all aspects of our lives, from the workplace to the bedroom. - 17269

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