Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, March 12, 2009

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Nutrition

By James Redder

You would think that given the proliferation of information about health and wellness available today that you and everyone else for that matter would have found a way of remaining healthy and in shape. We all know that this is of course not the case. So why aren't we in better shape? The truth is most of us know very little about how the body actually works. If people were aware of how to put all of this information about health into practice effectively, we'd all be healthier.

Studies Indicate

Studies have shown that Americans are by and large poorly educated about health. Nutrition, health care in general and medicine are all large gaps in most American's knowledge. Many are either unable to grasp the information available to them or do not have enough information about healthy practices to maintain health. What we don't know can and does hurt us too - A lot of illnesses are related to unhealthy lifestyle habits which could be averted if more information was conveyed effectively to people. Also included are emotional and mental health factors, which a large percentage of Americans are uneducated in the effective management of for better health.

While it is easy enough to say "why, if people would just refrain from unhealthy habit x,y or z, then they'd be in better shape". True, but many Americans are unaware of which lifestyle factors may be good for them as opposed to those that have a deleterious effect on their health. Until we can give easily digested, sound information on human anatomy and health to people, this seems unlikely to change. So what can we do?

World Wide Web Research

The hundred dollar question is "Do we really attempt to get Health information? With the advent of the World Wide Web it is really difficult to find a good reason for having a lack of good health information facts. The latest research states that over half of the American adults have access to the World Wide Web. Having access to the Internet means access to the myriad of of websites that have good health information on human anatomy and health.

Some of these websites even provide animated sequences that illustrate the human anatomy and it's functioning. This makes it a lot easier to grasp the information and is more interesting then other more basic ways of presenting the information. If you think about it since these are some of the same health information vehicles that medical students use then shouldn't we be doing the same? Having access to animations that graphically illustrate how different systems of the body work will of course lead to a better grasp of the systems involved and allow one to modify the associated behavior. This will lead to more consistent health and fitness.

As an example, let us take the endocrine system. The hormones produced by this system affect almost every part of the body; nearly every organ, every function is to some degree influenced by the workings of the endocrine system. A demonstration, in graphical or animated format would lead to greater understanding of the endocrine system and the body as a whole. This could lead to a greater concern with controlling stress once a basic understanding of the effects of hormones on health has been established.

In Closing

Gaining and keeping one's health is not that difficult of a matter. However, a basis of knowledge is required before one begins to try to achieve better health. You must understand how your body works, which will give you a grounding on what habits are good versus unhealthy for you, as well as when to engage in certain behaviors which can affect your health for good or for ill. An understanding of human anatomy and the inner workings of the body is essential, as is education on how to implement this information in the cause of achieving good health. The best way to be healthy is not curing disease, but not to become sick in the first place. - 17269

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