Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heal Cancer Through Organic Food Diet

By Rita Goldman

Cancer cells are said to be aggressive unhealthy cells that attack and destroy healthy cells in the process their replication. They multiply in a surprisingly faster speed than the healthy cells and they do not care about boundaries unlike healthy cells which stop replicating when they sense other neighboring cells, whether good or bad. So how do you combat these pesky cancer cells from replicating?

Recent studies have shown a fine line between cancer cells and the artificially prepared or grown foods which are readily available in the supermarket nowadays. Non-organic foods have proven to help cancer cells grow and replicate faster while diminishing the bodys healthy cells of their natural strength. These studies have shown that cancer cells love consuming the artificial chemicals found in non-organic foods because these elements make them stronger.

Now that you know the implications of these unnatural foods, what should you do then to combat your cancer cells? Eat healthier non-organic foods, of course! What are these organic foods then? Organic foods have been grown from pesticide-free and chemical free natural soil. They do not only involve fruits, vegetables, and grain foods but also include milk and eggs from cows and chickens which didnt undergo chemical injections or any other artificial enhancements.

The realization of the great contribution of organic foods to our health has attracted the public into a more healthful diet. You can find lots organic food outlets nowadays and you can even find some of their products in your local supermarket. Theres no reason why you shouldnt join the organic food diet wagon especially if you are diagnosed with cancer.

When you get rid of the unnatural foods which the cancer cells love, they will weaken and eventually die thus making them unable to replicate and spread to other parts of your body. Organic foods will strengthen your good cells allowing them to combat your cancer cells even better. - 17269

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