Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Best Way To Lose Weight? Have Skinny Friends!

By Henry John

If you are overweight, it's probably true to say that you don't like criticism about your weight. You don't much like those critical looks either. They're uncomfortable and they make you feel different. The truth is that in time you develop a bit of a thick skin and learn to switch off. What you don't want to know about you erect barriers to protect yourself.

To feel more comfortable and to avoid critical looks and comments, overweight people like to mix with other overweight people. They feel safer and shielded from criticism.

Unfortunately what this does is to act as an 'unsaid' endorsement of the way they are. There is no criticism, implied or otherwise. In fact maybe it's the skinny people who are out of line!

It's an alarming fact that obesity is contagious. Keeping company with overweight people can have some serious implications, one of them being that the risk of disease is very much put to one side and not discussed. Being overweight or obese becomes accepted as being completely normal, and this is where the problems start. What to do? It's not realistic to dump all your friends, but it may help if you are aware of the situation and the implications that it could have on your future health and well-being.

There is another reason why overweight people stay together. They are at their wits end trying to lose weight. Diets don't work, so they have just given in and decided to take comfort from people who are in the same boat as they are.

It's unfortunate, but the reality is that diets do not make you slim. You can lose weight on a diet, but the weight will always come back again as sure as night follows day. The way to lose weight permanently is to make change. If you make change by learning new habits, slim habits, you can achieve what all overweight or obese people dream of...permanent weight loss! - 17269

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