Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Best Way To Lose Weight? Examine Your Alcohol Habit!

By Henry John

'Alcohol makes you fat'. How many times have you been told that? It's usually used to warn people off from drinking too much, but is it a true statement? No, it's not strictly true, alcohol doesn't make you fat, it actually prevents you from losing weight. It stops your stored energy being used. If you're looking for the best way to lose weight, it would be a very sensible thing to understand about alcohol.

The fact remains that alcohol doesn't contain any carbohydrate so the body can't store the alcohol energy. It doesn't know what to do with it so it tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It does this by converting it into acetate energy. This acetate stays in the blood stream and is used in preference to the energy you body would normally use, i.e. the energy it has stored as fat.

It's easy to see that if you drink a lot of alcohol, you are not going to burn fat, in fact you will accumulate fat. If you stop drinking alcohol you will be able to lose weight more effectively. It's as simple as that.

To most people drinking alcohol becomes a habit. Too much alcohol like too much food is a bad habit. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, you have to get rid of all your bad habits.

The most important thing you have to do if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off, is to make sure you are aware of your bad habits. As soon as you are, you will find the process so much easier. The key to permanent weight loss is to learn new habits, slim habits.

Losing weight is all about making change. If you don't make change then you will never lose weight. So, if you are drinking more than you should or alcohol has just become a habit, then you need to change your behavior. How do you do that? You do it by learning new habits, slim habits. This way you can make the change you want and get on the path to permanent weight loss. It's not difficult, you just need to commit yourself to doing it, and it will happen! - 17269

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