Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Advanced Wellness Special Offers

By Linda Kemp

Sometimes the little things are what make the most difference. That's certainly been true in my life when I think about the impact that adding the acai berry to my diet has had! Basically, I've always been interested in being an endurance athlete, but I could just never make everything click to make it happen. When I was younger I thought that I didn't have the physiology to be a long distance runner, but since then I've discovered ways to get around those limitations. Unfortunately though, by the time that I had what it took to be a contender I was too distracted by the obligations of family and work. Add the effects of aging to those things, and it seemed like becoming the athlete that I wanted to be just wasn't in the cards. But then I discovered the acai berry and learned that I could easily add it to my diet just by taking Pure Acai Berry! This one discovery has made all of the difference.

Before I started taking the acai berry, I was just run down all of the time and didn't have the combination of time and energy that I needed in order to put in the training that I wanted to. I would get up in the morning after a night of restless sleep, get the kids ready for school while I got ready for work, go to work and spend the whole day stressed out, and come home without the energy that I needed in order to workout! If I was lucky, I could force myself to put in a couple of mile runs two or three times a week.

Since I've been using Pure Acai Berry though, things have fallen into place. Now I sleep more soundly so it's easier to get going in the mornings. I'm more energetic and mentally sharper at work and that makes work a lot less stressful. The fact that I still have energy when I get home from work now allows me to get exercise every day! Now it isn't unusual for me to combine exercise with quality time with my kids, which makes me a better role model for them. In addition I'm able to get in a longer workout on the weekends when I would ordinarily have spent my time wrestling with work around the house and actually getting some rest!

One thing that has made a big difference- and something that the acai berry is responsible for- is a better diet. This is true for both myself and my family. The fact that the acai berry has given me more energy means that I'm a lot more likely to eat foods that are higher in quality rather than more convenient. In turn, that higher quality food gives me more energy and it's another good way to set a positive example for my kids!

The way I see it, I was in a downward spiral of poor health before I started taking Pure Acai Berry. Stress and low energy and poor diet were all reinforcing each other. Now that I've incorporated Pure Acai Berry into my diet I've gone into an upward spiral where being healthier and more energetic leads to better health and more energy! Its definitely proof that something as small as an acai berry can make a huge difference! - 17269

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