Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 27, 2009

Artificial Hips Part of Widespread Hip Recall

By Maxwell Schmickman

Are you one of the many American's who has needed a hip replacement? This procedure, which has been performed for almost forty years, has become increasingly common. When performed correctly, it is a great way to give otherwise healthy patients a new lease on life, and the ability to stay healthy as they enjoy their favorite activities, just as they always have.

These are operations that have been performed for almost forty years, and while invasive, have great results. With a standard replacement however, it will need to be replaced, usually within ten years. The Zimmer hip implant promised to change that, making hip replacement a viable option for younger seniors. However, their claims have not held up. This has led to a massive hip recall.

If you're an older American, it's likely that you or someone you know has had a hip replacement with a device similar to the one involved in the hip recall. As we get older, our bodies begin to break down from age and overuse. Joints are especially prone to becoming damaged, making mobility extremely difficult or painful. Why have hip replacements become more common place over the last thirty years? Because over that time the American population is aging as never before. Not only are there more seniors, but they are living much longer than previously, meaning that their joints are being used for longer, and more, than ever before.

This particular hip recall is being caused by a device that was manufactured by the Zimmer Durom company. It was sold under the promise that it would be the perfect device for a younger person needing a hip replacement. A normal hip replacement device will need to be replaced once every ten years on average. This means that for someone who has the replacement done at a young age, they will be faced with the prospect of several follow up surgeries. The replacement being recalled was supposed to change that, by lasting for the rest of a patients life without the need for replacement.

Unfortunately, the claims of longevity for the hip replacement proved to be false for many patients, leading to called for a hip recall. At one clinic where the devices were frequently used, twelve percent of patients needed to have the devices replaced surgically in less than two years. This is an extremely high rate. The Zimmer Durom company disputed this claim, saying that it must be caused by surgical error. However, in their own internal studies, the failure rate before two years was seven percent, which is still much higher than promised, and much worse than a traditional hip replacement. Because of these concerns, the product was pulled from the market in July 2008.

If you or a loved one received a hip replacement at any point before July 2008, contact your doctor immediately to see if it is part of the hip recall. If it is, even if you do not need an immediate surgical replacement, you may be qualified to join a class action suit against the Zimmer Durom company. - 17269

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