Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 6, 2009

Healthy Grocery Shopping

By George B. Siba

Your grocery store is a great place to find both healthy, nutritious foods and the less healthy junk foods. Part of eating right is learning how to shop. This article will give you ideas to help you choose foods that have the best nutritional qualities as you wander the local grocery store.

There are some strategies that can help you make your shopping trips to the grocery store healthier. You will not have a healthy dinner table without first stocking your kitchen with the best foods.

Always make a detailed shopping list before going to the grocery store. This will keep you focused; a carefully thought out grocery list keeps you from succumbing to the temptation of junk foods. Keep a notepad in the kitchen. Write down things as you think of them, when it comes time to go shopping you will have your list ready.

Reading labels is an important expertise for any healthy eater. Nutritional labels supply information on the percentage of vitamins and minerals, the amount of calories, number of at grams, percentage of total fat and amount of fiber your foods contain.

Go to the produce section of your grocery store first. Start your shopping by filling your food basket with fruits and vegetables. This will leave less room for junk foods and get you started out right.

Pick naturally lower fat alternatives to high fat, high sugar snacks. Buying smaller package sizes will help you enjoy sweets while limiting calories. Watch out for extra sugar content, it is always a good idea to check labels for this. It can be a concern with low fat baked produce. Some manufacturers of low fat foods pack their low fat baked goods with extra sugar.

Honey and stevia are healthy sweeteners. Stevia is extremely sweet and noncaloric. Stevia is a notable herb, native to Paraguay, it has been used as a sweetener for centuries. Honey is mostly the sugars fructose and glucose; honey contains insignificant amounts of several vitamins and minerals and tiny amounts of several compounds thought to work as antioxidants, including, vitamin C, chrysin, pinobanksin, catalase, and pinocembrin.

Generally, the less healthy, sugar loaded cereals are at kids height, the healthier products are on the top shelves. Some breakfast cereals have enriched white flour and high fructose corn syrup which isn't as good as whole wheat and honey. High fructose corn syrup is bad for you, dont eat it. It is important to read the labels to make sure you are getting something you should be putting in your body.

This is the tip you always hear, never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Hungry shoppers make unhealthy choices that will be around long after your hunger has gone. - 17269

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