Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 6, 2009

How to Manage High Blood Pressure

By Katie A Price

In the moment that you learned you have hypertension; you were probably worried and full of regrets. Hypertension is a medical term for high blood pressure. With hypertension, your blood pressure is elevated for a long period. The normal blood pressure is within 110/70 to 130/90. If your blood pressure is above this range for over a period of time, then it is said that you have high blood pressure or hypertension. A lot of factors are known to cause hypertension.

If you want to know what your blood pressure is, then you need an instrument known as sphygmomanometer. This instrument is a good tool to use when taking blood pressure readings. There are various types of sphygmomanometers that are available in the market today. You would notice that blood pressure readings consist of two numbers. The first number is called the systole, while the second number is called the diastole. It is important to take note of these numbers because these two are indicative if a reading is abnormal.

Hypertension is said to be genetic in origin. A person who has a relative with hypertension will have greater chances of developing it too. When a disease is said to be genetic or hereditary, this means that it can not be easily avoided. A certain strand in their familys DNA is probably carrying that disease gene.

A sedentary lifestyle is a risk for developing hypertension. If all you do is sit, eat, and sleep then there is poor circulation in your system and build up of fats. You might want to consider changing your lifestyle and do more physical activities if you care enough about yourself. Try to do even simple walking in the morning so that you are letting your muscles to work rather than watching television early in the morning.

If you are the type of person who is allergic to exercise, then you probably need to change that kind of attitude. Exercise is healthy and good for the body. During exercise, all of your body muscles are working. Exercise also promotes good circulation because the heart is pumping more blood. Excess fat is also burned during exercise. So, if you want to lose weight, be healthy, and avoid hypertension, consider doing some serious exercise and make it a habit.

Fatty foods are truly delicious but they can be harmful to our bodies. Its not that fat contains poison, but excessive fat will cause you no good. Eating large amounts of fatty foods for a long period of time will result to hypertension because of its deposition in your arterial walls. The arteries do not have a big passageway for blood and when fat deposits in its walls, the passageway for blood is narrowed. The narrowing is the cause of increase pressure from within the walls.

Aside from fatty foods, foods that are rich in sodium are also known to have caused hypertension. Limit your sodium intake by lowering your consumption of chips and avoid eating in fast food chains. Potato chips are very rich in sodium, same as foods offered in fast food restaurants. Therefore, in order to avoid having a high blood pressure, you should limit and control yourself from eating these types of foods.

Avoiding and preventing the occurrence of blood pressure is difficult because it involves major lifestyle changes. However, if you really want to be healthy and you want to avoid developing serious complications rooting from hypertension, then you should start thinking about changing your lifestyle. This little sacrifice is nothing compared to facing a serious disease for a lifetime. - 17269

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