Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Your Child and Antibiotics

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

I've always thought it curious that some parents feel the need to run to the doctor with their child every time the baby coughs or gets a bump. The common thing is that these are the children always sick, always running a "fever".

The reason is simple, medications ruin the body's defense mechanism. That is putting it simply. Steroids, antibiotics and other meds commonly dosed out to children destroy the delicate balance in the intestinal tract that makes it possible to assimilate nutrition and grow and heal.

Overmedicated children see the world through dull eyes. They may not be able to tell a parent but they are not feeling well even when they are pronounced well. The brief interlude between rounds of drugs is fraught with indigestion, lack of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, dark eyes, and still the sniffles. Why? It is because the foods they eat are not being digested properly and they are literally starving.

Colds and Flu are a message to take a break, even for children. And quite frankly, children today have a lot of pressure. Medications only suppress symptoms, they do not cure. Medication does not get to the root of illness, it simply puts a bandaid on a very deep wound. On occasion, medicines are needed but not for every cough and sniffle. Break out the homeopathic remedies, vitamin C, fresh fruit juices and herbal teas. Unless you have a very ill child, a cold or flu will not kill that child. Have faith in the healing intelligence of the body.

Its hard to understand the real reason some parents dont trust the innate healing intelligence of the human body. It is enough said that most people are uneducated in this regard. And lets get real no one wants to see their child sick. Ive raised three and it is a tough call between letting a fever break and calling the doctor; however, a fever is how the body burns out infection. Thats it Internal and Higher Intelligence.

I cannot make that call for you, the one between letting the bodys fever burn out the infection, running to Med -7 or the ER. I can only give you tips about how the body works and tell you what will work and will not work.

Children should never have soda, and absolutely not when they are ill. Fresh, hand squeezed, or organic bottled juices are the best thing for sick children. Rest is imperative, and if I can go on record, even from computers and televisions at close range. Those transmissions at close range are detrimental to the immune system. Homemade soups are good food. Vitamin C, maybe Ginger, Chamomile or Dandelion & Echinacea tea with stevia or honey will soothe and assist the body to do its job. Sometimes recurring symptoms are a cry for love and attention so give it when a child is sick and again when theyre well.

Fresh herbal oils and castor oil packs are soothing remedies for sick bodies. In case you feel the trip to the doctor's office is imperative, and in case of a fever, try to get the fever down before you sit in a waiting room, quite possibly for a couple of hours. Your tub with cool water is only steps away. Having covered some warm and cozy alternatives to the habitual running to a doctors office, lets go back to reminders why we want to have the courage to teach children how great their body is designed.

You want to try everything you can to get well with healthy alternatives and a healthy ongoing lifestyle first because your child will be full of wonder at life. Make your home a fortress of health, from water to herbal teas and fresh juices, echinacea, goldenseal, dandelion, vitamin C (always) herbal teas for children, tuck away organic bottled juice (if you don't juice yourself) and make homemade soups. They will be bright minded and not dull witted. They will have courage and find their own inner strength. They will have faith in life and lifes processes. They will be a success in life. They will be spiritual BEINGS with a healthy intestinal tract.

Children are as varied as adults. Some have more energy, others inquisitive, creative, inventive, and then some may be ill. Those that come in ill, with a low mineral bank account should be supported with minerals and enzymes. Remember that medication destroys the integrity of the intestinal tract to absorb nutrients and after continued use the child is more depleted and now has candida yeast overgrowth and compromised gut or leaky bowel syndrome.

As every child is unique, every instance is different. If you have a child that needs medications to stay alive then make sure they get probiotics, vitamins and minerals (and I dont mean the one every day thing). See that they stay regular, which means that they have a bowel movement once or twice a day. Make fresh juices for the child, only buy organic, and drop out sugars, soda or anything white or denatured. You can still take charge and watch the miracle as your child begins getting stronger. Your entire family will be a family of champions because of your courage to take conscious control.

I am a Nutritionist and Naturopath but I have taken my children and myself to the doctor, only when necessary and not that often. Being balanced is the key. Doctors are necessary and so is thoughtful self care.

Stay healthy. Ellen Valentine, NC http://www.valentinewellness.com http://www.babynurserybeddingonline.com - 17269

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