Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 12, 2009

6 Easy Steps to Put Your Fat Loss on Steroid

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.

2. If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of these that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to sweeten it with too many calories.

3. Eat fresh fruit instead of processed fruit. Anything that is processed has more sugar. Processed and canned fruits also do not have as much fiber as fresh fruits.

4. Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.

5. Go crazy on veggies. Veggies are your best bet whenever it comes to shedding weight. Nature has a fantastic spread when it comes to selecting veggies. And the leafy green veggies are best. Try to have a salad in your diet all of the time.

6. Eat smart. The difference between man and animal is that we're driven by intelligence whilst animals are driven by instinct. Do not merely eat something as you feel like eating it. Ask yourself if your body truly calls for it. - 17269

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