Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Free Online Ab Workouts - Why You Tube May Not Be The Best Answer

By Jose Loni

Information is the key, when it comes to free online ab workouts. You Tube and paid programming are great but you have to know some basic principles to see if the exercises shown or the product being sold will work. You have to know that spot reducing does not work and that dieting and exercising to increase your metabolism will help your body burn fat.

You Tube is a great resource in that it is a visual instruction manual of how to do things. Just type in ab exercises and you will have so many different types of crunches and workouts that it might get confusing which one to use. You also need to discern that the person displaying the exercise is doing the exercises in proper form and that you will not hurt yourself by doing that exercise.

There are also sites whose main purpose is to sell their products and they entice customers through their 'adfo-mercials'. The danger with these is we don't know whether or not they comply with standards nor do we know if their products are supported by legitimate research.

Spot reducing does not work. We see ab machines that press on our abs or rock our body in a crunch position-these types of products train abs directly to try to get rid of the fat but are ineffective.

In addition, tons of ab machines are out there claiming their use resulted in beautifully sculpted abs. But we need to be aware that isolated exercises and spot reduction do not work to burn fat.

By spacing out our meals throughout the day and eating smaller portion meals, our body will be better able to maintain our energy level and burn calories easier. When the body needs more calories, it will start to burn the excess body fat to fuel the body's physical activities.

Exercising to increase our metabolism is the sure way to really burn fat. Exercises that train multiple joints and incorporate interval training are great ways to increase the body's metabolism. By forcing the body to adapt to the intense training, the body ends up burning fat throughout the day to replenish and nourish the muscles that were used in the exercise session.

Online ab workouts that are free are very attractive and appealing to us but we need to know why You Tube may not be the best answer for our needs. Safety is a primary concern and we need to be discerning and knowledgeable to assess whether or not these videos can meet our fitness objectives. - 17269

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