Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ab Workouts - Muscle Power vs. Duration

By Jose Loni

Which are better for ab workouts - muscle mass training or endurance training? Both are equally good at helping the body become fit and both are great ways to start a healthy lifestyle. But to really get rock hard abs, training for muscle mass will get you the results you want faster.

The often debated question, go for a run or hit the weights? It all depends on what you want to achieve and what appearance you want to have. If you want to be very muscular, with big muscles and ripped abs, then going for a long run will not give you those results.

Long duration activities will strengthen your body for that activity. Running long distances will make your body light and lean, so that it can last for long distances and be efficient at moving for such a long period of time. Big bulky muscles will be trimmed down to be more efficient at running.

Muscular strength training is very effective at increasing the body's metabolism. The increased size of the muscles causes the body to work harder to supply energy to the bigger muscles, which results in more calories burned and greater fat burning.

The food that we eat and the excess fat on our body are used by the muscles providing energy for muscle function. When this occurs, the fat that is stored in the stomach area is used and the abs underneath the fat is more visible.

Resistance training with heavy weights and low repetitions forces the muscles to hypertrophy and increase its overall muscle activity. The increased intensity of the activity will cause a buildup of lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Once the muscles slow down its intensity, the body will then deliver more oxygen to the muscles, to help replenish and remove waste products.

The moment the body is able to bring a fresh supply of oxygen to the muscles, it will continue to replenish and repair the muscles to get it ready for the next bout of exercise. This process can take several hours and can occur for the majority of the day. The increased overall metabolic activity turns the body into a fat burning machine.

Long duration or muscle power, the choice is really up to you. Both activities are great at helping you lead a healthy lifestyle. If ripped abs is what you want, then train for muscle power, it will be your fastest and most efficient way to get those abs that you've always dreamed of. - 17269

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