Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Health Secrets of the Acai Berry

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berry supplement is something we've all heard of now. It was featured on Oprah as the #1 superfood and has been all over the internet and news. What is all the hype about this little amazing berry.

In the Amazon Rainforests the Acai berry grows and has been called by natives the fantastic fruit. It looks a lot like a blueberry in that is very small and round. The fruit is a dark purple color and grows in a bunch just like bananas.

The Acai berry has been produced and made into energy drinks, granola bars, and even ice creams for those looking to try out its healthy nutrients. Many chefs are even experimenting with its flavor in dishes and in the future you may find yourself ordering it in an exotic restaurant.

The Acai Berry health fanatics have fallen in love with this fruit for countless reasons. All of which are beneficial to your body and overall health. If you are looking for an all in one vitamin and nutrient, then you have found it with the Acai Berry health system.

Of all the fruits Acai berry has the hightest antioxidant count found in any fruit. Antioxidants work amazingly well for a body cleanser and early research shows Acai is a proven cancer fighter. Antioxidants help to improve your immune system to fight off viruses and colds such as the flu.

The Acai Berry has countless more goodness in them then imaginable. Not just Omega 3, but Omega 6 and 9 as well; amino acids, electrolytes, protein, and vitamins A, B1 and E. With so much good for you, what could be wrong? - 17269

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