Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ab Workouts - Changing Your Body In 30 Days

By Jose Loni

Are ab workouts essential to a 30-day transformation of our abs? No, ab workouts don't play an important role in this 30-day transformation, but fat loss does and proper nutrition and exercise are the major players in removing the unwanted extra fats covering up our abdominals.

Proper nutrition means eating the right foods at the right times. Having 5-6 small meals a day help our metabolism stay revved up because of the need to constantly digest food. The frequency of food intake will also mean less hunger and, therefore, less bingeing especially on unnecessary calories.

The next thing to do is eat better foods. Avoiding fast food, sweet desserts, soda, pasta, white bread, fructose, corn syrup and hydrogenated oils is key to this diet. When you are not adding to your fat stores, which these foods will do, you will be on your way to successful fat loss.

Filling up with good foods instead, like whole grain breads, proteins like fish, lean meats, chicken, peanut butter, eggs, nuts, veggies, olive oils and fruits don't add to your fat stores and help you feel full longer, which lessens your cravings for junky snack foods.

Now that you know which foods add to your fat stores and which don't, you can start burning off whatever excess fat is in your body at the moment through exercise. Achieving this balance is important to fat loss and the revelation of six pack abs.

Putting together a program that mixes resistance and high intensity training along with cardio sessions is the ultimate ab workout routine. Training in cardio and high intensity bursts is a sure way to jumpstart our metabolism, which is the main factor in maximized fat burning.

Training muscles to be more active leads to more calories burned not just during the resistance training session, but also even when our body isn't being active. That's why having more muscles is such a great way to get to our goal - we get double the value for doing a single type of exercise.

To sum it up, a 30-day transformation is very attainable without doing the isolated ab workouts. Just remember that fat loss is the most important factor to this 30-day transformation. With proper nutrition and smart exercise guidelines, we can discipline ourselves to a 30-day transformation that will reveal those impressive-looking six pack abs! - 17269

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