Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting Healthy Minerals Transdermally

By Lydia Peru

Many good things come from our oceans. Magnesium salts are derived from the ocean, a powerful source of many nutrients. You know how good it feels to walk along the beach, feeling the waves as they glide across your feet. Hey, dont tell the kids, that fun time playing in the waves is actually nutritious!

Most of us dont live near the beach though, and cannot take the time out of our busy schedule for that natural foot bath, but we can pull out a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil after the shower and reap the benefits of the elements contained in the ocean.

Nutrition is a hot topic, but one that is full of confusion. When we think about what we eat we have to consider that its a two way street. Food nourishes, but it also takes vitamins and minerals to process those foods. That fast food diet, or that home cooked fried chicken may take more than it gives us. Visit any federally funded health site, and you will likely find data that shows that we are deficient in magnesium.

Let us delve into the world of magnesium in the body. Your body definitely needs magnesium to function. There is a storehouse of magnesium contained in your bones, right alongside that calcium that we hear so much about. About 50 percent of our supply of magnesium is stored in our bones. Blood is a different matter, with only about 1 percent of our magnesium maintained in the blood.

If we are deficient, and challenged in our diets to get the nutrients we need, what can we do? Magnesium can actually be absorbed through your skin, or transdermally. You can take a transdermal magnesium bath, using a form of magnesium crystals that is processed for easy absorption, or use a gel or oil.

When our magnesium levels are too long in the body, especially over a duration of time, the effects can show up in many ways: depression, tiredness, chronic pain or fatigue, joint pain, and many more signs of deficiency. A great non-invasive way to counterbalance is to use a magnesium bath. You may sleep better, feel more relaxed, think more clearly.

When we look at the big picture we will find that magnesium is a vital mineral used in over 300 of the biochemical processes that take place every day in our body. This leads me to wonder where I should focus in my own basic health. Minerals are one of the basic building blocks of life. - 17269

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